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  1. H

    Round in the Chamber

    Don’t worry, we are judging you back.
  2. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    I actually am an engineer who understands these things, so I do have a questioning attitude and have done quite a bit of R&D on various projects. Your problem is that you lack a fundamental understanding of what you are talking about. So while you think you have a big idea, you are like a...
  3. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    Dag, haven’t had the chance to read it all yet, but I will say that you are going to need about 30 samples for it to be statistically significant. So, if you want to test a bullet at 4 different impact velocities, you would need at least 120 shots for it to be truly meaningful. This is why it...
  4. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    You continue to ignore the fact that the reason why we can use math for in-flight ballistics is due to constants such as BC and atmospheric conditions. You state that the air is a variable, however how air effects flight is constant at a given temperature and humidity (things that can be...
  5. H

    7 sherman short go gauge

    The new owners are running their rentals through 4D Reamer Rentals now. Just give them a call.
  6. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    You keep making the assertion that we are “crawling around in diapers” and trying to push this “lb/in” metric, but it isn’t necessary. As Form already stated, if you shoot a bullet into a standard, calibrated medium, you already have an actual wound channel to study. They don’t just shoot one...
  7. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    Whichever one is too the right of me as that is the one I can shoulder faster, being right-handed and all. Nothing else matters to me in this scenario. I don’t give a rat’s furry bottom about the SD of the bullet, or its diameter, and since the bear is already in camp, both will be well above...
  8. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    I did. I have edited it. Your avatar pics look the same. Sorry.
  9. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    As to your repeated assertion that we need to come up with a “standard” number to describe terminal ballistics, you continue to try to have energy be part of the formula when it has already been pretty well established that it is not a reliable metric for how a wound channel is formed or how big...
  10. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    You should think real hard about the answer to the first part of your question. When you come up with the answer it will make Form’s comments make a lot more sense to you.
  11. H

    I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS! 0.8 Mil Vertical Zero Shift Session To Session

    First off, how big are your 5-round groups? Second, when you are shooting for zero, how many shots are you shooting? If all you are shooting is 5-round groups, then there is a very good possibility that your zero check groups are actually falling within your cone of impact. Before you start...
  12. H

    Dremel bits for inletting/bedding stocks with aluminum blocks

    If you didn’t use any coolant, then it was probably heat that killed your bits. Running them as high RPM increases the heat, which in turn can ruin the temperature on the bits, causing the sharp edges to round over.
  13. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    If it is not an accurate predictor of how the bullet is going to react or how effective it is going to be at killing the animal, then it is, in fact, irrelevant.
  14. H

    Questions about the irrelevance of energy (ft-lbs)

    In regards to your first question, I would just ignore them because they don’t understand what they are talking about. If you can’t ignore them then the answer is it doesn’t matter if it says in or exits, the real question is what did it do while it was in there. As for your second question...
  15. H

    WTS 260 Rem Remage barreled action, Alpha brass, Stockys stock

    Who wants to spend their tax return on a "new" toy? Buy to build or shoot it as is!
  16. H

    New weatherby Varmintmaster

    While the rifle looks great and I love that they are finally getting with the times in regards to twist rate, I wish they would have either come out with a new round or just gone with a 22 Creedmoor offering. I know, I know. Most Weatherby guys abhor the Creedmoor cartridges, which is why I...
  17. H

    Stockys vertical grip carbon on sale

    Yep, it looks like all the carbon stocks are on sale.
  18. H

    Manners EH1 vs Stockys VG

    I used this stuff...
  19. H

    Can you rebarrel a WSSM action?

    Any of the short action mag cartridges will work. However, due to the action and magazine being a Mdl70 short action, you will be limited in performance on the 6.5 PRC, WSMs or SAUMs due to having to seat the bullet so deep. You could check out the 6, 6.5, or 7 Sherman Short (SS) or Short...