Search results

  1. Josh Kuntz

    Unraveling The Mystery Of Point Creep, By Dr. Michael Street

    As a guy who loves spreadsheets and graphs, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating such a quality article and articulating your methodology in an easily digestible way. The various nuances that affect point systems in each state are quite a challenge to understand and untangle. And...
  2. Josh Kuntz

    Percent of Elk Killed - mornings or afternoon?

    I have killed 10 elk and unfortunately wounded a few others I did not recover. I am at about 80-90% in the morning, one in the mid afternoon and one about an hour before dark. Of the morning kills, about 50% of those were within the first hour of daylight. For reference, about 75% of my...
  3. Josh Kuntz

    Kanab 2.0 vs Corrugate

    When you say, you "hunt mostly late season", can you be more specific? Are you hiking steep mountains and taking very few breaks to glass. Are you still hunting thick timber or a river bottom where silence is critical? Are you treestand hunting? I own the Corrugates and absolutely love...
  4. Josh Kuntz

    Idaho outdoorsman !!!!

    Thanks for posting this. I attended the Fish & Game public meeting in Boise last week and gave testimony opposing the increase to auction tags. I also attended the actual Fish & Game commissioner meeting the following day and was please to see that the commission did not give in to political...
  5. Josh Kuntz

    2015 ELK Photo Contest

    2015 Montana public land archery bull. Shot on opening day at 4:30pm. That night we got the first load back to the truck at 1:30am. This photo is packing out the last load the following day. 2 of us packed for 11 hours the next day to get the rest of the meat, our camp and the head.
  6. Josh Kuntz

    I received my EE quilts today/Shelter?

    I used a Seek Outside LBO shelter this season and I absolutely love it. I went with the 3-piece vestibule and found it to be the perfect size for 2 guys (both 6'3") and their packs and bows/guns. It held up very well in 2 wet snow storms. Zipping the vestibule on and off is a piece of cake...