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  1. In2dmtns

    Washington Termianally ill bull tag filled

    Congratulations great story
  2. In2dmtns

    CO Archery Elk - first hunt write-up (tag filled!)

    Nice write up congrats
  3. In2dmtns

    2024 AZ Bull

  4. In2dmtns

    Iron Will August Giveaway!

    wide 125 TX CO
  5. In2dmtns

    24 AZ Elk Draw

    Good luck to all, looks like I'm a spectator this year.
  6. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Glad you had a good hunt. Congratulations
  7. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Sorry no not at all I think we got along really well. I think maybe I miss worded it. And honestly even though I have been on many elk hunts. Maybe in my head I tried to make my first guided hunt like the shows where your guide blows a call and big bulls come charging in, that's on me I knew...
  8. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Ok so I promised to check in regardless of outcome, so here we go. Let me start off by saying thanks to all those that responded and gave their input. I will start off by saying my outfitter choice was Shadow Valley Outfitters. There really was only one other after talking to about four in...
  9. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Recap of hunt and outfitter choice is coming as promised I'll get it done this weekend.
  10. In2dmtns

    Outfitter for Co unit 76

    What words of wisdom GT. Why even waste your time with a response. A friend had a lot of good input from his hunt I believe it was Wilderness Adventures. Good luck.
  11. In2dmtns

    Iron Will Broadheads - July Giveaway 2023 - Closed

    S125 AZ, CO, TX
  12. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Will do good or bad. I will check back in when its over.
  13. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Exactly my thoughts especially knowing I will most likely never draw the tag again.
  14. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    What unit did you hunt? Archery, Elk?
  15. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Appreciate the input.
  16. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Appreciate everyone who gave advice. A decision has been made good or bad we will see. I will post details and the outcome after the season. I won't leave you hanging like most do. Hope everyone has a great and safe season, remember try and enjoy yourselves out there. Good Luck Rg
  17. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Got a list one more to consider anyone have any experience with AEO. Spoke with two guys yesterday who had the tag last year both really nice guys with good advice, also suggested with season date projected growth could be a great year take advantage of the opportunity. Thanks Rg
  18. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Not as worried about seeing elk as much as trying to make the most of a tag I will likely never have again. Never been guided. I have also never had the opportunity to hunt really nice bulls. Two weeks isn't much time to learn a place and work won't allow any prescouting. Thanks for the...
  19. In2dmtns

    AZ outfitters

    Looking for someone who may have hunted or can give input on outfitters, A3, Shadow mountain outfitters, HPO, Wards. Drew 5BN early archery bull. Appreciate any input. Thanks Rg