I’ve had good luck with capitol one savor. As previously stated their fraud folks are fast and efficient. Rewards are on par with most other cards as well.
Looks to be their standard lineup of calibers
7 rem mag
300 win mag
350 legend
350 legend seems so out of place there.
social media. I hesitate to say the internet in general. I’ve gained too much knowledge on the web to wish it didn’t exist. But I’ve also watched social media turn hunting into a blend of keeping up with the Jones’s /a massive cash grab by industry manufacturers. I’ve watched it turn Arkansas...
I’ve ran into this a few times on newer short bodied scopes. Not much to be done. Yes taller rings will allow you to come back a little but your cheek weld is trashed. Shy of restocking there aren’t a lot of options.
Hard to beat a 22-250 or 22 creed for an all around truck gun. If you go the 22-250 route I’d make sure the twist rate will stabilize the heavies but beyond that either of those would be a solid choice. As far as barrel life goes….i learned long ago that barrels are the cheap part of the...
Remington 870 in 20ga with a smooth bore slug barrel. My part of Arkansas was shotgun/ml. Never killed a deer with it but quickly upgraded to a 12ga cantilever 870 and stuck with that setup for several years.