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  1. BPI_Outdoors

    IMR white hots compared to Triple 7 FFG

    Not a fan of white hots or t-7. If you use T-7 try 3F and reduce the load data by 10%. Be sure to swab between shots. It produces a terrible crud ring in the powder column. If not brushed can cause the bullet to not set flush on the powder and causing an air-gap in the barrel. This is a very...
  2. BPI_Outdoors

    Can not sight in new accura Mr-x (advice needed)

    There would be a couple things you might want to check. With and when using pellets, they can break and come apart. This can cause changes in muzzle velocity as well as performance. Next thing I would check is loading pressure. If you put more loading pressure on one shot than the next you can...
  3. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Accura MR-X Blowback

    George don’t you love spell check
  4. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Accura V2 with Blackhorn 209 84 grains, what’s the best bullet?

    You might try the PowerBelt in the 50 caliber 250 grains.#CVAOfficial.
  5. BPI_Outdoors

    Do I really need a BlackHorn Breech Plug?

    With the pellet plug the pour powder sets farther from the primer and in most cases it will still ignite the powder but could have a hang fire if the breech plug is dirty. With the Blackhorn plug the powder drops into the plug and becomes closer to the primer. This will ignite faster and will...
  6. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA MR-X Is Hitting Too Low

    Please reach out to customer service to get a replacement.
  7. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Accura MR-X Blowback

    There is a couple of reasons this take place. As I am going to guess this wasn’t the case when the gun was new. First let me say that when you use a 209 primers that during the firing the primer transfers carbon into your flash hole in your plug after a while it will shrink the size of the hole...
  8. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Accura LR-X Breech Plug Issue

    On the breech plug use the tool that came with you gun when installing your breech plug for the first time to set the rim on the plug to your barrels chamber this should take care of the gun cocking and hammer function. There is a video on the CVA website that explains this.# CVAOfficial
  9. BPI_Outdoors

    Well, so much for the excitement!

    White Oak armory in Cleveland Tennessee has 6 jugs on the shelf at 83.00 dollars a jug. You can call and buy and they will ship. Good people to do business with.
  10. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Wolf & Powerbelt project

    Thanks for the fare first thoughts , the wolf has the industry standard twist rate of one in twenty eight. Based on my experience I have found the slower twist barrels work best with 250 grain bullets. PowerBelt has a ELR with the 250. I think if you will shoot between 80 to 90 grains of T7by...
  11. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA wolf V1 accuracy issues.

    Sorry you are having trouble with load data . Let me share what I have found. When shooting the break open guns I have found when you load and shoot on the upper end of the factory recommend load data that you might not get the expected accuracy you want. Just because a gun is rated for a 150...
  12. BPI_Outdoors

    Cva wolf

    Congratulations and good luck on your upcoming hunt. A great load for that gun is 66 grains on Blackhorn 209 and the new 250 grains ELR Bullet from PowerBelt.#everyseasoneveryrange#CVAOfficial
  13. BPI_Outdoors

    CVA Paramount Pro Review ***Updated 3/7/21***

    Nice group try 98 by weight
  14. BPI_Outdoors

    Do I have a scope tracking issue?

    I would shoot a box drill to make sure the scope is tracking
  15. BPI_Outdoors

    What’s the max POI everyone sees when you remove your muzzle break?

    Check the ID of the inside of your brake you might be suffering from bullet strikes causing the point of impact.
  16. BPI_Outdoors

    Opinions on my poi change after wads

    So many times the powder will blow by the base of the bullet. This will cause a change in Your MV. With the change in MV brings the change in point of impact. Point of impact can and will change the size of your group. I have tried all types of wads and found that wool works best for me. Make...
  17. BPI_Outdoors

    Muzzle loader scope help.

    George that is not totally true, I have one in the shop now lol.
  18. BPI_Outdoors

    Waterproofing Muzzleloader

    A trick I use is to cut the finger out of a rubber glove and pull it over the barrel and over the nipple .
  19. BPI_Outdoors

    I want a CVA Accura X, but I am confused....

    First let’s look at the question. First if you are hunting in Colorado you will have to use a full bore bullet and iron sights and loose powder. The 50 caliber only comes in a 1 in 28 twist. The 45 comes in a 1 in 22 twist.. the Accura comes in two models . Let’s look at the LRX this comes with...