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  1. S

    How many states do you apply in?

    For elk it's AZ WY UT NV CO. Some years I add NM and ID.
  2. S

    All things .308 Win

    Looks just right
  3. S

    Big Bodied Whitetails

    That's a hoss for sure!
  4. S

    Big Bodied Whitetails

    Yeah that was a heartbreaker for sure
  5. S

    Big Bodied Whitetails

    Yes. A 191" buck I was hunting locked up with a 150". Found them while cutting corn.
  6. S

    Big Bodied Whitetails

    A few fatties
  7. S

    All things .308 Win

    This mirrors my journey almost exactly. I hunted with the .308 a bunch in my early years. Then moved onto several different rounds; bigger, faster, flatter. Sometimes smaller. When I got a. 300 win mag, I thought I would never hunt with anything else again. Then I noticed that it kicked harder...
  8. S

    All things .308 Win

    Form. 1,800 fps seems to be the preferred minimum with a lot of the Hornady match bullets. Would the 168 A Max have a lower minimum? Or will you still see good bullet performance beyond that?
  9. S

    All things .308 Win

    I've been shooting the 168 A Max the last couple of seasons. My rifle really likes them and they're hell on game. When my supply runs out, I'll probably switch to the ELDM.
  10. S

    All things .308 Win

    And some random critters over the last few years
  11. S

    All things .308 Win

    I love a .308. I've gone through a bunch of different cartridges, including several magnums, and keep coming back to the .308. My current "mismatched" pair.
  12. S

    25-06 Reloading

    My 700 Mountain rifle really likes 117gr Sierras with IMR 4831
  13. S

    308 Self Imposed Max Range

    Now we're talking! 🤩
  14. S

    What hunting rig are you running/how do you use it

    2000 F250 7.3 graduated to a 2021 EB. Updated Ranger as well. Still have the 7.3 but doesn't get far from home
  15. S

    How do you organize your application strategy

    I apply for around 40 or so tags every year between my son and I. Epic Outdoors has a point tracker spread sheet that's handy if your a member. There's always the OIL/dream tags I apply for and also the regular tags I can draw every few years. Usually I have a good idea on what I should draw or...
  16. S

    Name this rifle!

    The GOAT
  17. S

    Nilgai Cow

    Congratulations! That's some fine eating there
  18. S

    Mule Deer over Money

    To each their own. Everyone's situation could be different. This year my son and I had Colorado 4th season tags. It was his first mule deer hunt. We saw a lot of deer, passed on a lot of smaller bucks. I told him since it was his first mulie hunt, he could take whatever he wanted. He said he'd...