Search results

  1. Gen273

    Wolf killed by Duck Hunter in Wisconsin

    No, it kicks too much to shoot accurately, you only need a .410…😉
  2. Gen273

    Let’s talk Broadheads!

    Qad Exodus or Slick Trick Magnums are tried and true for me. But I have killed deer with several different types of heads through the years.
  3. Gen273

    Your first deer rifle?

    That was a DEAL, even if it was 20+ years ago.
  4. Gen273

    Your first deer rifle?

    Marlin 336 chambered in 30-30
  5. Gen273

    Sold Mystery Ranch Pintler Backpack

    PM sent, I will take it.
  6. Gen273

    Island Park Grizzly Attack

    I sometimes wonder if the reintroduction of wolves and grizzly bears is not just a clever tactic by anti-hunters who are in DNR leadership. But I hope I am wrong.
  7. Gen273

    Ruger M77 MkII 7mm rem mag trouble

    A torque wrench is nice, but it can be done without it. Just ensure you have the correct size screwdriver or even a bit that goes in a socket. Just get that angle screw really tight.
  8. Gen273

    Ruger M77 MkII 7mm rem mag trouble

    Check the front-angled action screw. It needs to be very tight on the 77 to make it accurate. Also, check the scope mounts to make sure they are tight. Sometimes, poor accuracy in a 77 is due to the magazine box being too tight and binding the action. You can fix this by slightly shaving the box...
  9. Gen273

    Scope clearance question

    Yep, Eric nailed what most will say. In my opinion, you are fine all the way around.
  10. Gen273

    Ever have to carry your dog off a trail?

    I had something similar happen to a rabbit beagle years ago. It was her left hip, and she would squat just like your photo. I carried her back to the truck and put her in the box. She was fine when I got the rest of the dogs up and then drove home. And it never happened again. She hunted again...
  11. Gen273

    The cartridge for the next 30 years….

    I don't get the Kimber hate on here, they are great rifles. I have never had one that did not shoot well. Maybe I am just lucky….🤷🏼‍♂️
  12. Gen273

    Custom hats and sweatshirts Give these guys a try.
  13. Gen273

    Shotgun without any plastic or polymer

    Also, there is a used one in the classifieds.
  14. Gen273

    Shotgun without any plastic or polymer

    Not to my knowledge. Just remember that they have made the Montefelteo for 30+ years, so there have been a few variations.
  15. Gen273

    Shotgun without any plastic or polymer

    A Benelli Montefeltro is an option.
  16. Gen273

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Bump for any possible summer hiking or camping stories.
  17. Gen273

    Sold Swarovski SLC 8x30 WB

    Wow, this is a great deal on an excellent pair of binoculars! I love mine. Someone is going to be happy they bought these.
  18. Gen273

    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    Do you want to share the story? That sounds like it had to be an extreme experience.
  19. Gen273

    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    This has the makings of a good story. Do you want to share it?