Well I didn't get the chance to call Leica, I had already planned to shoot with my buddy this afternoon, so I took my stuff up to his place. Once there I reformatted the SD cards and ran through the ballistics program again and reloaded the data for my 260AI and 300RUM. We also had a Kestrel...
Rosin, I'm at 4450- my problem is the clicks that the Leica say to adjust are vastly different from my handheld. My guns follow the handheld almost spot on out to 1000. Am I missing something, I've been shooting long range back when rangefinders were slow and finicky at the best. I'm totally...
I just got mine today they are pretty impressive, my only concern is the barometer is not even close and I've had the battery in for over 3 hours and I pick up the binos every 20 min or so and check the barometer and it hasn't changed. My hand held say 30.05, so does the internet for my current...