Well………I was out there for 9 days, the elk was fizzled out on the Mtn I usually hunt because of the overcrowded pressure the first 2 weeks before we got there, had a buddy there a week before season started and after what he seen in the 2 weeks after the opener we’re both convinced those units...
I’m not necessarily fed up I’m just curious in what other people are seeing…….if they’re seeing the same…..I have a bow shop, I know what the technologies have done over the past 35 years I also know how much elk hunting has changed over the last 30 years, Im just curious of what others are...
Hang on here, I’m curious if the entire state is in this predicament, I know the southern most OTC units are suffering from it because they are closer to the units that just went into the draw.
Notice I said since the 90’s which is older than 3/4 of the people on this site.
would like to hear...
Putting 16 more units in the draw last year is really killing some of the nearby OTC units, I was hoping the 2020 overcrowding was from covid19 issues but after what I seen this year bow hunting last week Colorado it’s apparent that this state will be doomed on OTC hunting, I know it’s already...
I’m not to sure about this article, Mississippi and Louisiana???
I can kinda see why Wisconsin might be in a lower bracket simply because all the CWD that’s went on up there over the last 20 years....
Some great advice on here Beendare, especially for a new shooter, heck even for us older shooters, I personally like fixing the little things (form) with video as you know, even though I like split finger, low anchor I still from time to time shoot 3 under high anchor just to compare the...
Hard to believe people would go into such a hostile environment with only a can of hair spray and leave a firearm at home or at camp.........
I’m going with a firearm everytime if there’s a choice
Ky resident here, my advice.......go with a guide, 3 weeks before season starts the locals that have land connecting to public hunting will heard up any elk and try to drive them on to private land just so you will have to pay to Hunt............it sucks I know but it’s how it is in that are...
I would go heavy, I have too many bow/arrow weight configurations in my shop to go over but I used the same arrow on a whitetail this year that I built specifically for elk and its exit went through the leg bone like it wasn’t there.....stuck in the ground 3-4 inches.
The last 2 weeks of season is my favorite time to be in the tree, seems like new deer always show up, here’s last seasons with one day left to go, never seen him before ...........
I seen guys roll up to the area I was in this year in trucks, 4 of em get out, blaze down the trail a mile and start calling.....bugle, cow call....bugle, cow call....bugle, cow call.....continuously from daylight to dark for a couple days then leave, this happened 3 different times with 3...
Been since April since this has been talked about on here.
whats fall starting to look like to everyone as COVID 19 is on the rise again?
will states stop non res from going hunting this year??