Search results

  1. J

    First Elk Hunt

    I'm in the same boat as OP - we leave for our first elk hunt in 35 days (but who's counting, right?). Headed to the breaks in Montana.
  2. J

    Looking for a long range whitetail pack

    check out the exo k3 1800. i have the 4800 for a western trip this fall and love it. looks like the 1800 is a great day pack and would be able to handle your gear (and also meat for when you're successful). they all use the same frame, so you can upgrade to a bigger pack if the opportunity arises.
  3. J

    Some bulls I filmed

    is it september yet!? great video
  4. J

    Frame pack

    got my exo k3 last fall - been training with 50+ pounds for an elk hunt this fall. i've run it everywhere from a day trip deer hunting to 4-5 days worth of gear. Very versatile and user friendly.
  5. J

    Inreach Explorer+ Question

    I just picked up an inReach mini for my elk hunt in september. haven't set anything up yet, but based on talking with Garmin and reading some threads out here, it will be the perfect solution. I can't wait to put it to use.
  6. J

    Where are you hunting Elk in 2020? Rifle, ML, or Bow?

    Missouri River Breaks, MT. Archery. Is it time to go yet? To say I'm a little antsy for the trip would be an understatement. First elk hunt.
  7. J

    Help with binos

    I have the maven B.1 in 10x42. It's the first nice glass i've purchased, but i'd also say they are the last. They are incredible, particularly at the price point. My hunting partner ended up getting the same thing as a result of using mine in the field. I've now drunk more of the cool-aid and...
  8. J

    Season - 2020

    First time out west for me as well. Lots of deer and turkey hunting in kentucky... Trying to draw in montana and wyoming, if we fail there, headed to Idaho OTC
  9. J

    WY Draw...Hurry up and wait!

    Doing the same thing with same outlook in Wyoming... time will tell, but we'll be in the elk woods somewhere this fall for the first time. can't wait.
  10. J

    Recommend Sept Elk huntin boot

    following. currently have the danner pronghorns, but i feel like the toe box is just too big. a friend has the crispi thors and they seem like a much sleeker boot. leaning towards crispi colorados or summits...but are they worth the price tag?
  11. J

    Beginner elk hunter

    We're planning our first hunt for 2020 as well. spent lots of time in the whitetail woods, but never hunted out west. I look forward to following this thread and seeing what other advice is given.