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  1. Slick8

    Smoke dried sausage.

    That's what I call a traditional dried sausage. I haven't made it in years but find a recipe or buy a mix, it's likely a Texas / German link blend but with more salt / cure. I run 80 / 20 venison to lean pork or beef for a dried product. I don't remember the exact specifics but something like...
  2. Slick8

    Effective Glassing Range

    This is where glass and tripod quality really pay off.
  3. Slick8

    Effective Glassing Range

    I'll say 1 mile and stretching it farther in great conditions. That's with high quality 15s or better and a good tripod for me. I'll clarify, 1-2 miles for your original statement of doe vs shooter buck. That becomes more difficult if its decent buck vs shooter buck. That's where glass can save...
  4. Slick8

    Deer don’t have an aiming dot and your groups aren’t really that small.

    I agree and disagree. Those small aiming dots are very helpful when dialing in handloads and setting zero. I use a previous bullet hole or the smallest dot I can find to set zero at 100. I use a 1 inch dot at 300 and 2 inch dot at 600 unless the mirage is bad. I do agree that more shooting...
  5. Slick8

    Which rimfire rifle should I buy?

    I'd go Bergara or CZ. The great thing about the Bergara is most anything M700 will work on it. I do know there's aftermarket plug and play barrels being made for the CZ as well as triggers and a few stocks so there's lots of options on both. I currently have a CZ 453 in 17 HMR and a Savage Mk...
  6. Slick8

    Now that season is over..What are you doing to prepare for next season

    I'm about to start some serious brass prep on 4 rifles, 200 rounds of 1x and 2x fired brass plus 200 rounds of new brass. I'll be developing a load of 140 hybrids in my 6.5 creed for a long range trainer and working on the 6 Dasher which has been sitting in the safe for a couple years with...
  7. Slick8

    Houston area Western Hunters

    Great thread, first time for me to see it. I'm in the Richmond area and try to hit the gym in preparation for the hunt plus rucking with a weighted pack frame. It's no replacement for altitude or steep hills but we have to dance with the one we're with... ;) No hunt locked in yet but hoping...
  8. Slick8

    Solo Backpacking 2024 Archery Bull

    Great bull and story, you'll have those memories for a life time and the pain will fade.
  9. Slick8

    Hunting season prep ?

    I don't know your physical condition but 20 arrows a day seems like a lot over the long haul. Back when I shot a lot of archery I tended to end up with some sort of ache or pain just prior to season. I don't shoot nearly as much as my bow hunting is typically limited to my Texas deer lease with...
  10. Slick8

    New 22 Creedmoor build

    Great looking bang stick and certainly looks to be a shooter.
  11. Slick8

    Frustrated with Weatherby

    I read most of the thread and have two questions. Did you swap the scope with a known good scope. What's your bench set up and typical ability expectations from the bench. I'm guessing. 5moa or better by the sounds of things. If all is tight and the scope is proven I suspect a bad barrel or...
  12. Slick8

    NM Private Land Elk Hunt

    Keith Williams, I've never hunted with him but talked to several who have and spoke highly. I had a hunt booked with him in 20 but covid stopped that one. 505 Outfitters, I've booked twice with Pete on the DIY public option. He was great to talk with and very helpful. His guides were great and...
  13. Slick8

    If you could build any short action coyote gun…

    One thing I didn't see addressed but your comment about ammo price leads to think you don't handload. I'm all for the 22 and 6 creeds, they're simply easy buttons. I had a 22-250AI years ago which is nearly identical to the creed. It was an awesome round. You added ammo price and 300 yards...
  14. Slick8

    What did you do in the reloading room today?

    I've now ran about 600 rounds through mine but no issues with the Creed, Dasher saum or edge. I do keep an eye on it while running for fear of this but in reality it's equal time spent in set up then run time for 100 round batches.
  15. Slick8

    What did you do in the reloading room today?

    I annealed 300 rounds of brass last night; 338 Edge, 6.5Manhun and 6 Dasher. I'll start sizing over the weekend.
  16. Slick8

    Help a newb out a bit!

    I'm in the same boat and thinking plan for the worst, it can get sporty in a hurry. Where I like to hunt, lows are in the high teens to low 30's with very little snow or rain. I'm looking at a modular system to for 0 to 30s for lows. Bear in mind, I typically prefer more warmth than most when...
  17. Slick8

    6.5 Creedmoor: Heavy and Slow or Light and Fast

    For those of you who like the 147 ELDm, I'll add a bit of info from last year, in a PRC so just a tad faster. My BIL shot a NM cow elk at 315 yards tight to the shoulder with a slight quartering away angle. The ole girl ran about 20 yards and dropped. We recovered the bullet under the skin on...
  18. Slick8

    If you shoot enough groups….

    I agree, you shoot enough and it's going to happen. Too many people consider that the normal capability of the rifle which is where we get in trouble. I rarely say my guns will do better than .5 all day and in reality, that's a stretch if we're being honest and documenting every shot. That's...
  19. Slick8

    6CM vs. 6.5CM

    Lot of good info and opinions here, I'll offer mine. FWIW, I like both rounds and feel they have merit. Were it me and I have one, I'd go with the 6.5 creed for two reasons. A greater selection of ammo and barrel life. Recoil is likely not going to be a noticeable difference unless shooting a...
  20. Slick8

    6.5 Creedmoor: Heavy and Slow or Light and Fast

    I voted heavy as that's the norm for me. Imo the Creed really shines with 130s as they split the difference and don't give up much at all inside of 600. We, myself included tend to get wrapped up in bc but if you do the math a vld type 130 is a pretty efficient bullet. I'd be loading the 130...