We cant be defeatists, CO only lost by 33k votes on the wolf reintroduction and some 44k hunters didn't even vote.. I don't want this to be another cautionary tale of how big bad liberals took our heritage away, we need to stand up and get in the fight. I guarantee we lose 100% of the fights we...
As a member of the hunting community, I am writing to stress the urgent need for hunters to participate in every election. The recent trend of "ballot box biology" poses a serious threat to our traditions, wildlife management practices, and the future of sustainable hunting in our state.
We are all in this together, as long as you are being a good steward of hunting and shedding a positive light on hunting we shouldn't condemn hunters because we don't like the way they hunt or them as a person. Especially guys with giant platforms that reach outside of the hunting niche. We will...
If you ever wanted to hunt or fish with The MeatEater Crew now is your chance all while helping Howl For Wildlife
We have developed several relationships with decision makers all of them have said the same thing, once we see the same email come across a number of times they instruct their interns etc. to filter them. and yes they are counted but definitely don't hold the same weight
Onx, gohunt and meat eater all put out great articles on conservation issues. or if you are into podcasts check out https://howlforwildlife.podbean.com/
Hunters and conservationists throughout North America know the stories. They know about the unlikely and timely alliances that made our model of wildlife conservation the envy of the entire world.
While unregulated...
Yes they are trying to recall Pitman Robertson. Stating that its unconstitutional to tax 2nd amendment. This would destroy hunting!
Just saw this. They are not all the same message. The system has tons of randomized emails for each action and the email doesn't come from Howl it comes from you directly with a different random subject line as well. Plus you have the ability to edit the message to make it your own. But yes you...
Hey guys AZ needs your help if you are an AZ resident please sign up to attend G&F meeting this friday https://www.howlforwildlife.org/az_game_fish_april_1?recruiter_id=13
if you are not a resident or cant make it show your support here...