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  1. R

    Chris Bee Water Buffalo

    Yep, shot a P&Y buck last year that was the biggest buck I've ever seen in person. His body was massive. I shot him low lung, high heart area. He laid down for 5 minutes and bled like I have never seen. It looked like someone poured out 2 gallons of blood in a circle around 8 foot in...
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    Is this typical? Trijicon Credo 3-9x40 adjustments way off, especially first shot

    Good call. I looked up Hornady data and went 50, 100, then 200. Dead on at 50 was close to same at 200 and like 1.6" high at 100. This was around my 3rd range trip with the new scope. I was also using new Protektor bags and so was hoping for better accuracy.
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    Is this typical? Trijicon Credo 3-9x40 adjustments way off, especially first shot

    Just came back from the new range I am using this year (private, finally). The issue is that my range does not have wind flagging (currently? maybe it got pulled down) and to the immediate left of the benches is a clubhouse and a tall wall made of barrier blocks that segregates the pistol...
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    Is this typical? Trijicon Credo 3-9x40 adjustments way off, especially first shot

    It is a literal statement. I am not the best shot. Which means "I know people that can shoot better than me". I am, however, a pretty good shot (better than average). I know that usually when people say "I'm not the best" they mean "I suck". That was not the case when I wrote that though...
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    Is this typical? Trijicon Credo 3-9x40 adjustments way off, especially first shot

    Thanks everyone. I'm going to go back to the range on an especially calm day, carefully shoot groups at 100 yards, and make adjustments (like the box test I've read about) and see if it is close. If it isn't, then the scope is going back to Trijicon.
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    Is this typical? Trijicon Credo 3-9x40 adjustments way off, especially first shot

    I was shooting today off a good bench and it felt good. I'm not the best shot, but I'm not bad with a rifle. This was at 200 yards shooting a 6.5 Creedmoor 143 grain Hornady Precision Hunter. I was just sighting in, this is a capped scope and I won't be dialing it in the field. If I wanted...
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    I'll check it out. I'm over 6 foot. So, the gun doesn't feel large at all.
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    Thanks. Good points that I'll check out and think about. This is an eastern hill country public land deer rifle. I've never shot at an animal prone because I've never hunted in areas with agriculture fields or large expanses. But maybe one day I'll switch things up and go somewhere new...
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    I just wanted to give you an idea of what it might look like without the large scope covers in place. I popped them off for good, so here's a pic of that.
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    The back of the scope starts about where the tensioning screw is visible on the bottom of the rear cover. I had someone look at it and say that they scope was crazy far back. But I'm seeing other setups similar to that just by googling "scoped rifle". Does it look that different?
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    Watching this right now. I just need to do a deep dive and watch a ton of good videos before I go to the range again or move my scope in the rings.
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    A lot of great information so far! I'm reading it all and have had my rifle out several times practicing inside.
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    I just ordered some Butler Creek bikini covers and a neoprene Scope Coat to try out. To get everything the same as pre-scope cover as far as eye clearance, I'd have to slide the scope forward quite a bit (screwing with eye relief at that point) and I don't want that complication right now until...
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    I set the scope distance by adjusting it to my eye relief while holding the gun off hand with my neck stretched slightly and everything pulled tight. I find that when I sit down at the bench that this same point in the eye relief of the scope now feels like my body is loose and I can more...
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    Any recommendations for scopes with longer eye relief that are around 3 to 9 power? (2 to 7 or 4 to 12 work etc)
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    need advice: distance of scope from eye and how much do you stretch when shooting rifle?

    This is the first time I've mounted my own scope on a high powered deer rifle (on 22 LRs and 5.56s I've put scopes on there's not enough recoil for the issue below to have come up). This is a Tikka Superlite in 6.5 Creedmoor. It has a Trijicon Credo 3-9X40 scope on it mounted with a 1 piece DNZ...
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    length from start of front bell to end of eye piece for NF SHV 3-10x42?

    agreed, but the issue is that i didn't have the scope in hand to measure that last bit you add to 5.1 inches and it isn't in nightforce's literature
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    length from start of front bell to end of eye piece for NF SHV 3-10x42?

    Thanks so much for taking the time. Before I saw your post, I did a little "on the screen using a ruler and ratios" action and got 8.65" (but that includes that rubber on the eye piece and how they had the focus adjusted for the pic). I'll use your numbers instead, but them being so close...
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    length from start of front bell to end of eye piece for NF SHV 3-10x42? I need to know the distance from the start of the front objective bell (end of tube up front) to the last lens closest to your eye (in the eye piece). The...
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    Anyway to deactivate leupold cds turret?

    Omg Am I on the Dr Phil show?