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  1. Joebass87

    Kifaru Stryker

    Mine just showed up today. It’s awesome!
  2. Joebass87

    Let's see your Kifaru two tone setups!

    Multi cam reckoning with OD large belt pouches down the back. Multiple different highlander pockets on the right side. Gotta love the modularity of Kifaru!
  3. Joebass87

    WTS Kifaru stuff

    I’lol take the grabit
  4. Joebass87

    WTS Kifaru, Hamskea, and misc

    I’ll take the large belt pouch
  5. Joebass87

    WTS Kifaru Multicam Accessory Pockets

    Interested in the xl pocket. PMing you
  6. Joebass87

    WTS: Kifaru MC Setup

    I’m interested in the large side pockets if you’re willing to separate.
  7. Joebass87

    FS/FT KIFARU pocket

    PM sent
  8. Joebass87

    Nomad 2

    Pm'd you
  9. Joebass87

    FS/FT KIFARU pocket

    Is this still available? I’m interested.