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  1. P

    WTS/WTT Swarovski ATS for Swarovski STS

    Weekend bump
  2. P

    A different take on trophy mule deer management - Our solutions have been the problem

    Definitely, to each their own! I’m nobody to tell another person what to shoot or what I think they should shoot. might give it a look. I don’t hunt Idaho, so I guess I never really paid attention to it. Your picture cracks me up.
  3. P

    A different take on trophy mule deer management - Our solutions have been the problem

    Those are some pretty good statistics and I can’t argue them. But I’m talking about sheer numbers of BC bucks entered, not the biggest bucks entered. In Mikes video at about the 55:30 mark- he talks about the number of bucks entered. In 2005 (28) BC bucks were entered, 2006 (25) bucks and 2007...
  4. P

    WTS/WTT Swarovski ATS for Swarovski STS

    Reduced to $1,750
  5. P

    A different take on trophy mule deer management - Our solutions have been the problem

    There’s no question the facts are there. Limiting the number of licenses along with season dates that promote survival rates is a recipe for growing better age class of buck deer. The number of book bucks killed from 2003-2007 compared to the last ten years isn’t even a comparison. Who wouldn’t...
  6. P

    Unpopular opinions

    Maven, Vortex or Leupold. Of course they are all subject to unpopular opinions.
  7. P

    Corner Crossing 2024?

    If you can find it, take a picture of the pin and mark it on your OnX app. Not sure how it would even be disputed with hard evidence like this. If folks are worried about tracks moving 20’ after the fact, travel the boundaries on the next cattle trail 50’ off the boundary. If you’re willing...
  8. P

    WTS/WTT Swarovski ATS for Swarovski STS

    Still Available
  9. P

    Plants every mule deer hunter should know

    Now that is an A+ post! Great job and Thank you.
  10. P

    WTS/WTT Swarovski ATS for Swarovski STS

    Price drop $1,800
  11. P

    Sacrificing weapon quality for buck/herd quality and opportunity

    It’s a good idea to increase quality while maintaining opportunity for the general season hunter. I doubt the meat hunters spend much time on the hunt because it’ll be considerably harder than what they’re used to and willing to do. More than likely it’ll catch on with the trophy hunting crowd...
  12. P

    WTS/WTT Swarovski ATS for Swarovski STS

    Edited prefix to sell or trade.
  13. P

    6.5 PRC Local Powder Choices

    I used 4831sc for the first couple years and it shot great with 143eld-x’s and 140 Bergers. Once I was able to find H1000 I haven’t been back to it though. Still looking for N565 in my neck of the woods.
  14. P

    Early rifle vs late season

    Early rifle pros’s -Ability to pre-scout a buck in his summer pattern -decent weather -amazing views of the high country Con’s -Non-hunting hikers.( They’re everywhere) -Hail, Lightning and Heaving downpours 3rd Rifle pro’s -Rut hunting, anything can show up (although IMO, quality and buck...
  15. P

    Sold Swarovski STS 20-60 HD

    What size is the objective?