I also have a cheap grinder and will be looking to upgrade this season if successful however my main issue does not seem to be power but more of it clogging. It seems if you do not get ever spec of silver skin or ligament off the meat that it will clog up pretty quick. Do larger machines have...
Elk Tracker boot by Irish Setter. Just under $300, insulated, ankle support and waterproof. On my 3rd season with them and no issues yet. I bet I have almost 500 miles in them.
Welcome-I am from a Little town called Palatka and worked in Jacksonville/St Augustine.
Caught the bug in 2015 and now I live in Colorado Springs.
What State are you archery hunting?
Filtered water and filled my water bladder one night for the pack out in the morning. All night a mouse kept scratching on the tent so I would wake up and slap the tent to scare it off. Well I just left my bladder laying on a rock beside the tent and when I awoke the mouse had chewed a hole in...
Since people are still responding to an old thread, I figured I would just start a new one.
My partner is going to burn his points on a rifle hunt this year so I need a partner for OTC Colorado Archery Elk. Since I plan on packing meat an extra back would be nice.
I live in Colorado Springs...