Just as title states looking to purchase a quivalizer. Have been wanting to try one out for a while figured I would check here before buying new. Also if anyone has any insight food or bad would be great thanks.
I will bite on this one. I would have to or mine at a 2. Let's me hunt whenever I want for the most part as long as kids are good and honey do list is done. She doesn't hunt but enjoys eating anything I hunt, but She does fish hike anything w can do outside. She has no problem with our 4 and...
So I am finally ready to pull the trigger on my first real pack and I was pretty set on an Exo k2 either a 2000 or 3500 and was gonna wait till the new fusion pattern came out. Now the question? Black Ovis has the mystery ranch pintler pack in multicam for 30 percent off. So is the Exo worth...