If the buck you've found is an old mature buck and is bedded, he will for sure see you, especially if you are wearing hunter orange. After you disappear from his sight, he will either leave the area or move into heavy cover where he'll feel safe. I would do everything I could to avoid him seeing...
I finally got my bench set up. I was going to build one but 3/4 inch plywood was over $90 for a 4X8 sheet. Been waiting for the price to go down. My wife found this solid oak desk for $80. I know I could not even build anything this nice for that money.
Anyway, I've been prepping about 450...
I think a lot of nontypicals start out as 4X4's. I also think many bucks will have extras as they age. Look how hard it is to find a big slick horned 4X4 that will make the book.