I like using Kent 3.5" #2's for later season or when geese might also be in the mix. If I think I am going to be right on the X I have a flat of #3 Federal Speed Shok I believe. If I do my part ducks fall. Usually using my Benelli SBE 2
As I recall the Wyoming guide that was killed a few years ago while breaking down an elk his client shot the night before didn't have his Glock 20 on him when charged but did have his bear spray and deployed it. That may be isolated incident but I wouldn't trust the spray I will keep my 10mm or...
I think wolves and all bears are cool and should be part of that mountainous terrain. But like others have stated they should be managed through hunting so they don't hear rifle shots or old men picking huckleberry's and think of a dinner bell. Without a structured hunt we are just slow pieces...
I was going to recommend 160 Nosler partitions in Federal Premium line it's a great time tested bullet that would work from pronghorn to Elk and anything in between. However it retails for 70-90$ a box. So maybe something a little more economical for whitetail to start out. Sportsmans guide has...
I wouldn't go with Foggy Mountain. My son and I went in 2020 and we sat from noon to dark for 5 days and didn't see a live bear the whole time. Maybe a 50 percent kill rate in camp that week and some dinks were getting killed.
I shot my bull with 175 grain Barnes TSX bullets at 275 yards the first shot was broadside the second one was him quartering to me at a slow trot both bullets penetrated completely. He was DRT. Of course this is back before I found out from the PRC crowd the 7 mag couldn't shoot heavy bullets.
I have been part of removing large bucks off of a deer farm - my in-laws raise them. After knocking them out with a dart gun we would cut the ear tags out of them and put them on a stretcher and carry them to a trailer. The guy that was hauling them said they would all be dead by sundown. I...
Ohio is generally the end of January through March I have killed good bucks around the 19th-20th of January, gotta love the predictable food source in the late season.
I also like the idea of wolves if they're open to hunting once they have met certain criteria. I remember hunting caribou in Quebec and hearing wolves it's a cool sound at first light. I have a buddy that lives in Montana that just killed his second wolf with a Muzzleloader I am super jealous...
Compared to western states yes a small amount of public land. Haven't hunted Wayne since college so I'm not trying to steer him away for my own benefit I just don't consider it big compared to Pennsylvania Michigan Kentucky Michigan.
I would guess 125" he looks bigger but I always knock at least 10" of antler off a buck on the hoof. I've killed several mature whitetail bucks over the years and only 1 of those didn't ground shrink.
Also something we did when our youngsters were getting started hunting was after a successful hunt while butchering, we would mark various cuts of meat with Cole's buck/ backstraps. Then make a big deal about it when we pulled it out of the freezer to marinade it and grill/smoke it. It's really...
I would suggest taking her hunting for something a little less cute. If a person has been indoctrinated by bambi it can make things more difficult. My daughter loves turkey hunting and has killed several tom turkeys that she describes as beautiful but not cute. Which in her mind makes them a...
Straight wall cartridge state so my 45-70 is loaded with the leverRevolution 325 GR bullet with 59.0 grains of H335 under it. I used Hornady brass and a CCI 200 primer. I get a consistent 1,900-1,920 fps from these loads. I am sighted in 2" high at 100 yards, and am confident out to 225 yards if...
I think a lot of what the song talks about is spot on. I have listened to it several times since I first heard it a few days ago. It seems it resonates with a lot of people that enjoy freedom and aren't happy with the current trends.
I have been up there on 5 different trips it's definitely some thick cover. I would agree on the blueberry patch's being key. I would keep an eye on the BWCA forum page this summer and see if there are any areas with a problem bear they are usually pretty vocal about such things.