Before bedding or without bedding, yes. Otherwise you will just bend the action of the flat part behind the lig contacts the stock before the bottom/wedge of the recoil lug is firmly seated.
Crs 18-12-101-e.5
(e.5) “Handgun” means a pistol, revolver, or other firearm of any description, loaded or unloaded, from
which any shot, bullet, or other missile can be discharged, the length of the barrel of which, not
including any revolving, detachable, or magazine breech, does not exceed...
That was my next question! It came when I was 3 weeks post surgery and trying to turn the first limb bolts sent a jolt in me.
You've got about 1/8" overhang of that washer piece?
Can you, or anyone who sees this, turn your limbs down the 2 turns max, and take a picture from the side of the limb pocket?
I posted this on archerytalk but for no response. I got a LiftX33 so I can shoot through shoulder recovery. It hasn't been shot. When I take two turns out, the washer...
This thing and skip a dinner out one week.
Or this thing
Or this thing
...inside of a certain distance. The .379bc is pretty anemic but the result of what standard twist/neck/throat factory .243win productions dictate. The above .500bc stuff wins with the faster twist rate stuff. For his use of shooting fence wreckers inside 200yds, I'd imagine bullet roulette...