I usually take these steps
1. Bareshaft with field point out to 20 yards
2. Once this is good I check my broadheads which are usually on line
3. With all three in line I shoot field points with broad heads which with fixed usually fly together to 70.
4 After 70 I know by broadheads start to sink...
When you put them on did you get it to spec? I’m guessing you did? If not first thing you have to do is get to spec and then work to how you want it tuned
I agree with Beendare.
Spec is #1, for the rest you can usually look up the recommended center shot.
fire a bunch of arrows after you set up dloop to make sure it’s settled in and not effecting arrow flight
When it comes to broad head/arrow tuning I just shoot bareshafts out to twenty and...
I almost exclusively bowhunt. I'll only pick up the rifle when I get an invite to a buddy's camp or a drive on public but I only put does in my sights because I don't want to burn a buck tag.
Hey all didn’t know this was going to stir up so much anger on here. Was just asking a simple question and didn’t mean for it to blow up so much. My neighbor can do as he pleases with his land and I may do what I want with mine. Like wind gypsy said two guys with different views. I’d love to...
In deer management I’ve hunted properties smaller than half an acre. Local police is in charge, you qualify and they send you to homeowners that have deer issues. Could be 100 plus acres could be a quarter acre if they are in the program and that’s your area you can hunt it
Only had to get permission to get one, only one has died of my property or property I had access too. All shots are 15 yards and under broadside. I’ve had to pass a lot of shots doing this but it’s what has to be done. I’d like to travel more like I used to and hunt big tracts but I’ve got a...
Doesn't seem that way but maybe since he completed it this year things will change next year. We'll see, only thing I've learned out of this is in suburban areas keep hunting secret unless you absolutely need to mention it.