It’s got to be a huskemaw collab. I’ve never heard any negatives about their scopes reliability. Have heard their glass isn’t great but who cares. Their sales guy was posting on here asking what people wanted. Their prices seem fair enough too.
Have had a couple ranchers with the DCT auto. They would get weird when plowing and constantly going from forward to reverse. They would lock in neutral and you would have to restart them. Other than that they were great. One irs one sra, the sra was fun to drive with the throttle.
Have a...
Have a nightforce nxs 2.5-10x42 mil r for sale. Used last season on my 22cm. It is like new besides some ring marks. No other marks on it, glass is perfect. Picked up another swfa 3-9 to replace it.
$1400 shipped. Prefer PayPal.
If high schools made all kids take a class in how taxes, 401ks/ira and the stock market worked they would be better off. Most of the 20 year olds at work don’t even know how to write a check. I wish I had been better educated at that age, I’d have a lot more money.