In reality this has been coming since the no trapping ban and the bear and cougar initiatives.
I wish the voters were left out of wildlife decisions, they simply aren’t qualified.
It wasn’t my post. I have no idea the source or what it said. Do you?
And yes it’s too bad the I-5 corridor controls most everything in this State.
I do think it’s too radical even for most Oregonian’s
Here’s the thing. You posted for discussion, or outrage, so I thought maybe a source would a good starting point for discussion.
I live in Oregon so it doesn’t really surprise me. I don’t think it has chance, but who knows.
And know, I don’t care to be arbitrator of truth.
I didn’t and won’t read the whole thread.
Having said that, anyone who thinks a teachers job is 8 hours a day is seriously ill informed. No such thing.
Think a couple hours each night grading, planning etc. Add in likely most of a day on the weekend for more of the same. No such thing as three...
Vortex 11-33x50 angled spotter with Summit ST-4 tripod.
The spotter is in new, perfect, condition. It’s been kept in the original box except for one backpacking trip where it was kept in the case.
Asking $525 plus shipping