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  1. Tod osier

    30-30 Copper ammo (Barnes) penciled through Whitetail Buck this morning...thoughts?

    For anyone wondering this is what the factory barnes 150s for 30/30 look like.
  2. Tod osier

    New air rifle….

    They require proper and consistent form to shoot well. They can be very accurate, but require practice. You might want to read up on it a bit and give it a second (or third) try.
  3. Tod osier

    Looking for a Wyoming resident hunting partner

    You also have to think that the wardens might change their approach when they find out breaking the law is being flaunted.
  4. Tod osier

    Do you take a chain saw with you

    Fun to buy stuff, but isn't inconsequential to deal with one if it isn't' part of your lifestyle. Keeping it fed, running well and sharp requires messing around disproportionate to the benefit if you don't already have one. I'd just bring a hand saw if I didn't have a chainsaw that I used all...
  5. Tod osier

    Do you take a chain saw with you

    I always have a chain saw in the truck to open a road up if for nothing else. Used to be a small stihl, but now a milwaukee 14" battery saw. If you are looking for firewood in addition, it doesn't seem like you would want to process rounds that are much more than a small saw will handle.
  6. Tod osier

    Do you tip your game processor?

    My tip is that the wife should be helping in the processing.
  7. Tod osier

    Parasite in elk meat?

    Nice that they gave you some very reasonable options. I think I'm in the grind it all and make sausages and/or snack sticks camp, I'd have a real hard time chucking it, but also a REAL hard time enjoying a steak or roast :). A whole elk is a lotta sausage!
  8. Tod osier

    Slug vs Buck shot

    No expert, but yes on that suggestion. I've always been buckshot curious for bears, but I've always deferred to the conventional wisdom and I've always carried black magics in my bear gun. These days I'd sure investigate some TSS buckshot or T or F shot. I have just a couple boxes of slugs left...
  9. Tod osier

    Feedback on Whitetail Shot

    Maybe it is just me, but in the last photo it looks like paunch hanging out (under the green text, rimmed by white belly hair), like your broadhead split its belly skin open and paunch is hanging out. Arrow also looks like it is pointing very strongly to the rear. I wonder why it didn't pass...
  10. Tod osier

    Pulling my hair out...Mornings only!

    There are unlimited possibilities. Like you said, they may not move evenings there, in addition you could be busting your deer out of there when you go in. Patterns may change at any moment or part of the season. Think through the property to see if you can find an area they move in the...
  11. Tod osier

    Parasite in elk meat?

    Wow, that is a load of them. If the Bio doesn't know right now, I'm sure there is someone who she can text that photo to that will know. Report back!
  12. Tod osier

    Parasite in elk meat?

    If it helps, the Sarcocystis parasites that cause rice breast and COULD be what you are seeing are protists (single celled organisms), not worms like trichinosis. That info matters to me, but it is only in my head, I know.
  13. Tod osier

    Parasite in elk meat?

    All the parasites are safe if fully cooked. It is not uncommon to not eat a heavily infected rice breast duck. I'm sure if you cook it, you would have no idea.
  14. Tod osier

    Parasite in elk meat?

    I haven't seen much talk on parasites in elk, knowing that they obviously have them. Give your local biologists a call. Is it in all the muscle or just certain parts?
  15. Tod osier

    How to end NR Wyoming wilderness ban?

    In all seriousness, I've hunted wyoming as a nonresident and in the units I hunted I had no want or need to hunt wilderness. There is a lot of land outside of wilderness, so don't let things get too in a bunch until you see for yourself. I would keep wilderness in mind when picking units, but...
  16. Tod osier

    How to end NR Wyoming wilderness ban?

    Because it will benefit me when I'm a resident!!!! :)
  17. Tod osier

    How to end NR Wyoming wilderness ban?

    Very good law, I support it staying the same.
  18. Tod osier

    Sausage stuffer and grinder reccs.

    Very puritanical of you.
  19. Tod osier

    Sausage stuffer and grinder reccs.

    Everyone loves a big grinder, but take into account that the size is not trivial. I have a #22 and it is really big and really heavy. I had a #8 and felt like it just didn't grind fast enough, #22 I can't feed it fast enough. 10-15# on the stuffer is a good spot for me. A 5# sucks to reload...
  20. Tod osier

    Heated vest experience?

    I use the Milwaukee vest as a layer. It does work, no question. The heat is not in an ideal place, but it is what I have. I'd look for one that put heat on the lower back (mine doesn't). I use the vest over the base layers walking in for the pockets it has and I like it for that. I'd seriously...