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  1. slick trick


    it was along day for sure.
  2. slick trick


    This all happened in 5 min, on day 6 went from 0 to 100mph ! got real western real fast- Coues at 450 bear at 630 in the same draw.
  3. slick trick

    AZ draw is in!

    looks like the results are in for deer,- now
  4. slick trick

    If you could move anywhere?

    yea stay out of Texas ! please my taxes went through the roof this year with all the move in's- and if another person stops and ask me if i will sale my land I might do something stupid
  5. slick trick

    No Excuses and BH 209 load

    Can you put a muzzle brake on? I shoot 86grains by weight and it feels like a 243 or a 6.5 with my break on.
  6. slick trick

    WTS Garmin Delorme SE

    you still have this ?
  7. slick trick

    Alaskan Air credit card miles?

    ARE YOU USING THE APP ON THE PHONE OR ARE YOU USING A PC WHEN YOU ARE SEARCHING ? reason i ask it cause up on the top it shows to use miles you click on the round circle and then select dates ? what air port and what dates ? let me see if it blocks me !
  8. slick trick

    Who wears Nike running shoes?

    Same here
  9. slick trick

    Any body run this system? FHF

    It hooks to any pack.
  10. slick trick

    BHA coming out against the E plus system

    so can i just go hunt on Eplus land ? what do you have to have besides a draw or bought tag to have access ? NM has to many different options and rules to figure out and keep up with.
  11. slick trick

    New Mexico Elk Draw 2022

    guess i am going Elk hunting in unit 15!!!
  12. slick trick

    WY October Rifle Gear List

    quick tip on those baby wipes- they are nice on the bottom ..but don't get the ones with oil or lotion, you will be slipping and sliding your ass everywhere. also take the pack of them and wring all the excess water you can out of them, they are to dam heavy. if you need them wetter just give...
  13. slick trick

    WY October Rifle Gear List

    have you put a weight to that list yet ? are you going to hunt right off your back or will you have a base camp ?
  14. slick trick

    Zoleo question- 2 users

    did you ever find a answer ?
  15. slick trick

    Best two radio?

    just get a mobile ham- much better range and power
  16. slick trick

    Welcome HuntScore--New Research Service

    dam i didnt even notice that !!! thank you
  17. slick trick

    Gaia GPS: Adding Google Earth Imagery

    it does but i like the feature where all i do is click on my layer unit 15 or 7 or five etc and i have everything right there as in fires, maps and boundaries and it centers map to that choice-i dont have to turn on any other layer as it turns them all on, just another little thing i really like...
  18. slick trick

    Gaia GPS: Adding Google Earth Imagery

    i will drop another trick- go into toprut and do a map request of the units you want to map. download the zip file download and unzip. go in gaia and add a layer and browse to the location you saved the unzipped kmz file. add it to your layers. now you have all national forest, blm, state and...
  19. slick trick

    Welcome HuntScore--New Research Service

    There is one feature I would like to see and not sure if it's possible. I can do it with the use of about 3 other weather reports. But what I would like to see is current water, drought conditions of the units. Everybody knows and maybe some don't but in AZ, and NM it's all about snow fall and...