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  1. Foldem

    Colorado goat redemption

    My son drew a nanny only tag his first year putting in at 12 years old: He was ultimately unsuccessful on that hunt but found a passion for tough hunts. This year he drew an either sex tag in the same unit I killed my billy...
  2. Foldem

    Colorado Draw stats updated
  3. Foldem

    Colorado Draw stats updated
  4. Foldem

    Colorado goat points updated

    No luck for my family
  5. Foldem

    Colorado credit card hits

    $50 hit for me. Friend has a $346
  6. Foldem

    Colorado Bird down

    Colorado public otc bird. Roosted him last night and he came straight to me off the roost this morning after gobbling at every sound in the woods for 45 mins. 14 minute season 😬.
  7. Foldem

    Trophy goose hunt

    Over the break I found a goose that stood out from all the others (about 60 birds). Setup on them the next day and landed all of them then picked out the banded one. He had flown about 400 miles from Utah to Colorado!
  8. Foldem

    Last day is the best day

    Stuck it out to the end through the local road hunter forky slaughter in New Mexico. I was in the does and small bucks all hunt and knew there was a chance of a good one showing up at anytime. Got him on the last morning of the season checking out the does.
  9. Foldem

    Colorado sheep and goat credit card hits?

    Will we see them tomorrow!?
  10. Foldem

    Looking for DRKLLR from MO

    I'm looking for a guy I met from Missouri in Colorado 4th season. He works for a helicopter company and his license plate was DRKLLR. Does anybody know him? If you're on here I'm the guy with the 15 year old son with me that you met at the trailhead the morning you killed your buck. Thank...
  11. Foldem

    Less than 2 weeks until Colorado sheep and goat results!

    Bravo Colorado! Wish everybody luck!
  12. Foldem

    2020 bucks on the hoof

    I've posted the field photos of both of these bucks here already, but since I'm dug out from the blizzard and dreaming of muleys here are my 2020 Nevada and Colorado archery bucks on the hoof. The Nevada buck was the day before I killed him and the Colorado one was about 6 hours before I was...
  13. Foldem

    Polis proclaims 3/20 “no meat” day in Colorado
  14. Foldem

    My son's first buck

    My son Dylan made a great shot on this nice 3 pt as he rutted two does. I'm super proud of the work and effort he put in and I think it re-ignited his excitement about big game hunting after a few year drought since he shot his first doe.
  15. Foldem

    Colorado Billy

    After 14 years of applying I finally drew my Colorado goat tag. I spent a ton more time scouting than actually hunting as I was able to shoot my #2 billy at 7:30 AM opening morning with one of my best friends watching through the spotting scope 500 yards away. I had a goal to shoot a mature 5...
  16. Foldem

    Daughter's first buck

    My daughter stuck it out for 3 days in miserable heat and mosquitoes. On the last morning we had an amazing stalk in the milo and she dropped this guy in his tracks at under 20 feet just a few hours before we had to leave for home.
  17. Foldem

    2020 opening day Colorado buck

    I had a really fun hunt in Colorado. I only had 2 days to hunt solo with a packed fall but I managed to find a good, old buck opening morning! I was on them all day and ended up shooting him at 4 pm.
  18. Foldem

    2020 Nevada typical buck

    Hey guys, I drew a pretty good Nevada archery deer tag this year. With having a mountain goat tag here in CO that I'm DIY'ing and being primarily a high country deer hunter it was a no-brainer to hire Mogollon Rim Outfitters to guide me. My guide was Matt Kelley, he's a top notch hard working...
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    New appointment to CPW Commission

    In lighter news, Gov. Polis has appointed James Jay Tuchton (Laywer for Wildearth Guardians) to the CPW Commission to represent a non-consumptive, non profit on the commission. Interesting choice, not good in my opinion. Some of his notable cases include suing the USFWS for de-listing and state...
  20. Foldem

    Free information on Colorado Unit High Country Mule deer

    Edited the title to get the newbies to read it. All, The final proposed season structure is available here: Please take a look and if you have concerns or are happy with it email the commission...