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  1. D

    What does "DIY" mean to you?

    What if a guy hunts with friends that guide but he doesnt pay them? Its basically the same as a guided hunt theres just no money changing hands. I realize that at this point we are arguing semantics but IMO it shows that the lines between what some would perceive as a "DIY" hunt and a guided...
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    Tiffany Lakosky gets it done in Mexico

    I figured it was but for those that didn't know she was a killer I thought I'd fill em in
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    Tiffany Lakosky gets it done in Mexico

    The whitetail she killed with us in eastern Colorado was with a bow and it was spot and stalk. Tiffany is a killer!
  4. D

    What does "DIY" mean to you?

    I absolutely agree with you! I think that the term or label DIY is way overused and I just find it interesting that so many hunts get labeled as DIY when the only difference between what they are doing and a guided hunt would be a transaction involving cash. The point being it doesn't really...
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    Tiffany Lakosky gets it done in Mexico

    They were with Sonora Dark Horn Adventures.
  6. D

    What does "DIY" mean to you?

    I'm just curious what you consider to be "do it yourself"? Is it anything other than a guided hunt? I ask because I read threads here and elsewhere where people talk about their "DIY" hunts and they have a team of guys on the mountain with them helping them out which doesn't bother me at all...
  7. D

    Colorado B+C Muley

    If all your looking for is a net book deer you can hunt anywhere. :D Seriously, every unit in the state has the potential to have 200" deer in it. With 9 points you have a ton of choices
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    Threads you'll never see on Rokslide

    And sometimes they don't like opposing viewpoints do they Ryan :rolleyes:
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    Pro Staffers

    I meant to add in my previous post that an associate of mine took the optics deal that was offered to me and he was a sell out. Whenever we glassed together he would use my spotter and would leave his in the truck but when he would write his reviews he always talked about how the spotter he was...
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    Pro Staffers

    Interestingly enough, one of the offers I had was from a high end optics company and I declined for 2 reasons. First, it's not the best optics on the market IMO and I'm not going to take a free spotter and a pair of binoculars to tell people that they are as a matter of principle and second...
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    Pro Staffers

    That's FUNNY!!!!!! I think the "Pro-Staff" thing has become a joke! I know and have seen guys try to get free stuff all the time and it makes me want to puke. I had one guy, that's very well known, take kill pictures with multiple styles of camo that he wasn't wearing when he killed his...
  12. D

    Lets Introduce ourselves!

    Drummond Lindsey Windsor, CO I make my living in the hunting industry I'm in my late 30s, father to a beautiful 10 month old daughter, husband of a smoking hot lady who doubles as my best friend, dashingly tall, Anglo-Saxon, respectfully athletic, love to party, completely house trained...
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    Muley Fanatic Foundation

    I should have gone to that! I stayed in to watch my buddy fight on PPV and he lost a ridiculous split decision How was it? I have never heard of that foundation. I used to plan on spending at least a grand at the mule deer foundation banquets but I bought what I was told was an "original"...
  14. D

    Looking for a new vehicle

    The Eco-Boosts are pretty awesome. My stepdad has one and its been a damn good truck. You can get an F-150 with a 5.0 for a lot less though and it will get similar mileage. The F-150's are good trucks though. I have had a number of Toyotas and am a Toyota loyalist. That being said my 07...
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    RIP Chris Kyle Navy SEAL/Author

    He LOVED Kryptek! It's all he wore on our archery deer hunt in November and he told everybody on camp how great the stuff is
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    RIP Chris Kyle Navy SEAL/Author

    Got word today that my friend Chris Kyle, author of the book American Sniper, was murdered at a gun range in TX. He was killed by a young man with PTSD that he was trying to help.
  17. D

    A true giant-of-a deer

    Then maybe the OP should have followed his own advice and not posted his opinion. He comes on, states that he doesnt like the "ethics police" and that "we dont need to get into that over here" and then promptly gets right into what he's asking others not to comment on by defending the guys...
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    A true giant-of-a deer

    This is hilarious
  19. D

    A true giant-of-a deer

    I guess "ethics police" refers to anybody that wants to give these bucks a chance to rest? These deer are post rut and in their most vulnerable state. I for one hate seeing people out on the wintering ground putting pressure on these deer every single day while waiting for them to drop their...