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    Kifaru Late Season stays

    Thanks Aron
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    Kifaru Late Season stays

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    Kifaru Late Season stays

    Are the stays 1/8 or 3/16" on the LS?
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    Pack Size - How Big is Big Enough?

    Does the hitchhiker buckle right into the krux?
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    First pack

    Although I am an SG guy myself, remember that packs are, in a way, like shoes or clothes, some will fit and some will not. And there's no flaw there, just differences in construction and body types as well.
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    First pack

    Any of the Stone Glacier packs would also be a great choice. Tough as nails and haul big loads comfortably-- as comfortably as heavy loads can be.
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    Pullout System

    That reminds me of the SG camp pocket setup.
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    Hoyt and peep rotation

    Uggg, yeah it's there. I feel bad cause I started that thread too and must have missed tgat. Thanks for pointing me back to that thread.
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    Light duty trapping

    330's are seeet in the water! 😃
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    Light duty trapping

    I am an avid trapper and do ADC work as well. Cages and DPs work really slick but I prefer cages whenever possible.
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    Hoyt and peep rotation

    Yall are correct. i'll go to the shop, can't do it this way.
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    Clipper Hone

    I use a 3-sided Jewelstick with the coarsest side first to raise a burr on one side of the blade, flip it, raise another burr. Then, I begin gently "wiping" off the burr finalizing with the fine (1800) grit on the JS. At this point, they will usually shave. I finish out on a strop w/ compound...
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    Hoyt and peep rotation

    Can peep rotation be corrected using Coop's press method?
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    Stone glacier rocks!!!

    I sent Kurt a picture w/ brief explanation and he took care if me right away.
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    Hoyt tuning

    Now I'm trackin with you. I think I will mark my cams too once I know I'm dialed in. I paper/yoke tuned using Coops press method then did a walk back tume (first time on that) and it is shooting some kind of good!
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    Hoyt tuning

    Jeff, I understand now about adjusting the yoke for left/right tears but what were you trying to accomplish w/ the control and buss cables?
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    Weight and feel

    Thank you for the tip- will try that tomorrow.
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    Weight and feel

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    Hoyt tuning

    Using this method, could I take the twist out of my peep sight?
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    Weight and feel

    I wear my SG Solo with the wasitbt buckle at the belly button and the belt seams over the illiac crest. Under load, what should my hips feel? As I tighten the belt and cover ground, my hips "tell" my I'm carrying weight by feeling pressure. so I usually transfer the weight around until it...