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    I cut my outdoor teeth trapping as a pre-teen. I rarely trap for fun but instead trap for hire (it's fun too XD though).
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    Waistbelt comparisons

    Looking for feedback...I'm an SG Krux frame user. It has hauled meat for me very well but not over long distances yet. I hauled it today with about 20# for eight 8hrs at a theme park today and my hips were hurting a bit. I think that's probably common since I haven't had it on for that many...
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    Gaiter choice

    Thank you g5! Looks like a perfect fit.
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    Gaiter choice

    Any of these mentioned work with trail running shoes (and not too tall)?
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    Synthetic Bags

    I picked up the extralamina off for a song and a dance a couple months ago. Will be first time out with it this year though.
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    What Wind Checker

    You are da man!
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    Daily Carry Pack Choices and Recommendations

    Thinking about selling my UZ and getting an Antero or an Arcteryx. I guess daily carry packs are like purses- my wife changes one out every so often but the other one was perfectly good. Lol
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    Daily Carry Pack Choices and Recommendations

    UZ for me also. All the pockets are just super convenient for daily carry organization. I dont always run it bit thanks to mrbillbrown's recommendations I have a grab it that works grat on mine too.
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    Pad question

    mrgreen... This one? Insulated Static V Luxe - KLYMIT
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    What Wind Checker

    Larry, that's an excellent tip!
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    What Wind Checker

    I keep a piece of dental floss tied to my bow riser. I slightly frayed the end when I put it on to help it catch the wind but after several years of it dangling in the wind, it looks really broken in and works even in the slightest breeze. Nearly tough as nails.
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    Pad question

    i have a BA pad that I'm gonna try but it weighs 24 oz I think it was. Thought about a simple ridgerest but I'm afraid I wouldnt sleep.
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    Pad question

    I know there's always trade-offs for most of the gear we end up selecting, nothing is perfect most of the time. That said, which sleeping pad do you think is the lightest YET the warmest as well?
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    10x10 tarp

    Got it in yesterday- it is well done. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
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    10x10 tarp

    Stid, when you need a hunting partner, I'm available. Lol. My BWD tarp is supposed to make it in today. If I can figure out how to post pics, I'll post some. But I can already predict that the pic quality won't be quite as giid as that last one you posted. That is unbelievably good!
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    Single Wall Condensation

    So I'm trying a tarp/bivy this fall. What should I expect with that setup in terms of condensation, same thing if I don't ventilate the sides/ends?
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    Opinions on best Kifaru pack frame

    Sorry OP, youre thread title is specific to kifaru, my bad!
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    Opinions on best Kifaru pack frame

    The Krux frame from sg is 25" (i think) and is lightweight yet tough as nails. With the 1700 serac bag it's an ideal day pack that hauls huge loads in the shelf too.
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    10x10 tarp

    Many thanks for the replies everyone.
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    10x10 tarp

    Rats, I didn't see ray's post before ordering from BWD just a minute ago! Could have saved some $! Thanks for the help/ideas everyone.