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  1. midwestcowboy

    How many days before your hunt do you scout

    ^Yes. Especially if you're hiking into or out of those areas in the dark. Much easier to give it a lap in the daytime and mark a route that's "clear" of deadfall.
  2. midwestcowboy

    Salomon quest winter for elk hunting?

    I personally can't do insulated boots, I run too damn hot. I also am not a fan of Danner boots after wearing through a pair in ~18 months of "light use". My roommate has hunted Idaho elk the last few years into late November using Salomon quest 4's. I think they are damn near the same boot as...
  3. midwestcowboy

    What and how do you carry your sidearm in the highcountry?

    I carry a G19 in a FHF bino harness/holster combo regardless of the season. It's very comfortable and I like having binos & the glock handy when hiking or hunting. Nice having it on your chest when processing animals. A bit more accessible than a rifle resting against a tree or on the ground...
  4. midwestcowboy

    Is your Unit on Fire?

    Hopefully the teams remain safe and are able to get them under control. On the bright side it could provide good hunting opportunity in the years to come.
  5. midwestcowboy

    Help with possible first western hunt

    Watch DIY hunts on Youtube. Listen to podcasts. Read the regs, then read them again. Read wildlife studies on deer/elk in general, habitat, and migration patterns. Use OnX and Google Earth, a lot. ^Make notes on all of this Ruck your ass off. Start with a light pack and scale up from...
  6. midwestcowboy

    Idaho Resident Capped Tag Sale 2024

    I was bummed about Pio tags selling out so quickly. My buddy was 500 in queue and they were gone within 12 mins. Oh well, back to the same zone I've been hunting! :cool: Holding out for a sawtooth tag is a great way to miss out on hunting elk in the Fall haha
  7. midwestcowboy

    First Elk Down

    Congratulations! Props for buckling down and getting it off the mountain solo.
  8. midwestcowboy

    Your Elk Hunting Rifle

    CA Mesa .300 win mag with a Leupold VX-5
  9. midwestcowboy

    Covering Ground Efficiently

    Fellow FNG here, hello! In general I do think getting away from roads and trails is ideal since you'll see a good deal of hunters cruising forest roads in RZR's and trucks glassing drainages literally 20 feet away from their rig. However, there's been times when I've been across canyons looking...