Search results

  1. H

    Duluth dry on the fly cargo pants

    Both styles would work well as a warm weather fishing pant, but I would go for the stretch version since its in a lighter material.
  2. H

    Duluth dry on the fly cargo pants

    They make a stretch version and a non-stretch version. The stretch version is made in a slightly lighter fabric than the non-stretch version. I have both and they dry pretty quickly. I think they would make an excellent non-camo hunting/hiking pant. My only complaint is the additional zipper on...
  3. H

    Titanium bottle?

    That Ti bottle weighs 9.8 oz. You can get a 32oz REI Nalgene bottle for $10.50 that weighs 6.2 oz. What's the point, it doesn't make any sense?!
  4. H

    Ghillie Suit Recommendation

    Here's their website:
  5. H

    Ghillie Suit Recommendation

    Sapper suit, ribbon cut with mesh liner. Trench coat length ghillie suit, no pants required. It light, packs easily and works great. Use it for whitetail hunting.
  6. H

    5 Reasons to Always Carry Whiskey

    I'm sorry, but if someone grabs my whisky and pours it all over some sticks to start at fire, they're going to be shitting teeth for a week!!!
  7. H

    Which scope for a new muzzleloader?

    I'm new to scoped shooting and I'm not a long range guy, so my standards and experience in that regard are pretty low, so keep that in mind. I have the Burris full field II, 2-7x on both my ML and 7mm08. At $150 each, it's been a great introductory scope for me. I have no complaints. The...
  8. H

    Looking for Tyvek

    You can also get it at
  9. H

    Executive Action

    This bill is absolutely atrocious in regards to the 2nd amendment and it's not very well thought out: Bans all AR type weapons but specifically allows Ruger Mini-14s. Wheres the logic in that?! Background checks to loan a weapon. Ban on grenade and rocket launchers. They ban detachable...
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    Executive Action

    Them there is fight'n words!!! You keep that up and you and I are going to have to step outside!;) or I'll sick Brandon on ya:cool:
  11. H

    Executive Action

    It's very easy to win an argument with me. All you have to do is use reason, facts and logic (strictly opinion items, like my favorite color, not with standing). Present me with links that contain more than just hearsay and I'll listen. Don't you get it yet? How many times do I have to say...
  12. H

    Executive Action

    Your joking, right!? Did you even get past the headlines and read the articles? This seems to be a pretty consistent trend with you and your talking points. So allow me to break it down for you. The basic premise of the first link is that Cruz said he believes Obama is wrong for not...
  13. H

    Executive Action

    Well said Shrek!! You did a better job than I did on it and I thank you for your input. Another way to get rid of a bunch of the lobbyist is with a flat tax or fair tax. A lot of these guys are in there trying to gain favors for tax advantages for the organizations they represent. If we get...
  14. H

    Executive Action

    I guess that's one way to look at it. Or, you could look at him as a principled patriot who stands up for what he believes in and fights for it using the legals tools provided to him by the federal government and the Constitution. Just curious... could you compare and contrast how much he cost...
  15. H

    Executive Action

    It remains to be seen who will get the nominations, but this is the first time in a long time that I have hope that I won't be forced to pick between the lesser of 2 evils. I'm curious, what specific things do you not like or disagree with about Cruz?
  16. H

    Executive Action

    Can you please stop with the red herrings?! Regardless of his class of socialism, be it Soviet, North Korean, Nordic, Democratic or Martian he is still a big government guy, which is my whole point. How can you be so disgusted with the government as it is, yet still like guys like Sanders who...
  17. H

    Executive Action

    Wow, you and your red herrings! Socialism is government ownership of EVERYTHING. How is government owning a portion of the land it governs, and providing that land for use by it's citizens, socialism? Look, I freely admit that we are quickly heading down the road to progressivism/socialism...
  18. H

    Executive Action

    Schooling shouldn't be and job training is not the responsibility of our government. How can you prefer Sanders over all the other candidates and not be an advocate for larger government. Sanders is an unabashed socialist and "Socialism", by definition, necessarily and dramatically increases...
  19. H

    Executive Action

    The Afghans held their own for quite some time. The Soviets invaded in 1979 and Wilson and Vickers didn't start supplying Stingers until 1986. That's pretty good for a bunch of 3rd world Mujahideen rebels with AKs. But, that's beside the point. The point isn't needing to be equally armed to...
  20. H

    Executive Action

    Yes because of this (from the article, emphasis added): "The idea was that the states would send the senators to Washington to represent them. If a senator started voting against the best interests of the state which he represented, he could be immediately recalled." "Without the 17th amendment...