Search results

  1. H

    Manners EH1 vs Stockys VG

    I have multiple Tikkas. I have a couple of Manners, a McMillan, and a few Stocky's stocks in addition to a couple of factory. I prefer the grip on the Manners over the other two. I think that the McMillan edge fill has the best "feel" and is the deadest in regards to sound. The Manners has...
  2. H

    Need a sanity check - T3x reassembly

    I just watched your video again. Your barrel is free-floated, so pushing down on the barrel that far in front of the lug is going to cause it to rock like that. The recoil lug is the "balance point". Rather than check it that way, the best way to determine if it is properly seated is to 1)...
  3. H

    WTS 1X fired brass - 300WM and 6.5PRC (Norma & Peterson)

    I am selling some 1X fired brass for my best friend. It was purchased new as loaded ammunition from Choice Ammunition and was fired in his Browning X-Bolts. It was all deprimed, tumbled in walnut shell media, primer pockets reamed/cleaned, and annealed using my Ugly Annealer. The 300 Win Mag...
  4. H

    WTS 260 Rem Remage barreled action, Alpha brass, Stockys stock

    I am back home. TTT Someone asked if I would split up. I would. I will do $700, shipped for the action, trigger, and bottom metal. $425 for the barrel, nut, brass, and dies.
  5. H

    WTB ISO a few 139 Scenars

    @Tanner, if you need any more, shoot me a PM, I can send you some as well.
  6. H

    7 BC Pistol

    Just like with large cartridge rifles, it is all in the follow-through. If you lock your wrists and have a death-grip on the handgun, you are in for a bad day. Also, similar to rifle stocks, the design of the stock will help. Center-grips are easier to control than rear-grips. Interestingly...
  7. H

    Thread Adapters and Accuracy

    GRL, I see you are going the HUB route, but if it puts your mind at ease at all, I have a Downrange Products thread adapter on a McGowan barrel that had 1/2-24 threads. My crown sits even deeper than the picture you posted. Here is a 5-shot group that I shot two weekends ago while doing load...
  8. H

    Whats your Black Bear Caliber?

    Caliber? It doesn’t really matter to me that much. Cartridges? I prefer the 7TCU and 6X45, however I have killed more bears with a 308 and a bow than any other.
  9. H

    The All New MRC/S2H Marshall Rifle Now Available

    You need to go on a depredation WT/hog hunt in a GA peanut field sometime. The first time I went with a Remage using a BDL config. I think I single loaded more times than I filled the mag. Second time I went with a Tikka. Still ended up single loading a couple of times. Now I use an AR with...
  10. H

    Suppressor purchase from Silencer Central

    And we’re done here. Good luck with your next suppressor purchase when you refuse to fill out a 4473 to take possession of it.
  11. H

    Thompson Center Encore

  12. H

    Everyone's 2024 Broadhead Results?

    I used the Tuffhead 125 grain single bevels this year and based on the results, I will continue to use them. Specs are: Draw weight = 71 lbs Draw length = 29" Arrow length = 29.5" carbon to carbon Arrow = Sirius Apollo 250 spine with 100 grain SS outserts Total arrow weight = 560 grains +/- 2...
  13. H

    eld-m vs eldx

    In my experience, based on the criteria that you laid out, I don't think you will see an appreciable difference between the two. Roll with whichever one shoots better in your gun.
  14. H

    Suppressor causing chamber condensation

    Yep, I understand what you are trying to convey. Interestingly, cartridges with less body taper tend to exhibit more bolt thrust (rearward force on the boltface during firing) than those with less body taper. That is why you see a lot of "improved" case wildcats for break action firearms...
  15. H

    Suppressor purchase from Silencer Central

    And just for further effect, I have only snipped a section of what you posted for effect. I have bolded, underlined, changed the text color to red and made larger the pertinent part of what you posted. What, pray tell, do you think that "any permit or other information required" statement...
  16. H

    Suppressor purchase from Silencer Central

    So, your arguement is that 27 CFR 478.124 is not actual law? Seriously? You may want to brush up on what the Code of Federal Regulations is. Here is a nice link to help you out. But, because you have already stated that you don't want to click links and...
  17. H

    WTS 260 Rem Remage barreled action, Alpha brass, Stockys stock

    I will be heading out of town for work on Monday morning, so please understand that I may not answer questions or PMs right away.
  18. H

    Suppressor causing chamber condensation

    I don't think "bolt thrust" is quite the right term as that has a lot more to do with the cartridge case design and pressures, but I do understand where you are going with this. A 90* bolt is always going to be easier to open than a 60* bolt due to having a longer camming action (i.e. the force...