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  1. J

    WTS Gunfighters Inc Kenai custom chest holster-Gift Cert

    How much are you asking?
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    Load Data 7mm PRC Barnes lrx 168 h4831sc

    Wow, that's impressive. I am hoping to eventually load some 160 LRX as well, I think that'll be a great choice for a western big game bullet. I've got 100 of the 168 grain that I've got to play with first, the bullet jump info is very helpful though, thanks!
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    Load Data 7mm PRC Barnes lrx 168 h4831sc

    Thanks! I appreciate the feedback
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    Load Data 7mm PRC Barnes lrx 168 h4831sc

    Hi all, I am starting the process of developing a load for my 7mm prc with Barnes 168 grain lrx for Alaska Moose. I have a few pounds of h4831sc on hand and was wondering if anyone has had any success with that powder, what kind of velocities you’re seeing, accuracy etc. Thanks!!
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    Alaska Moose

    @Illini1988 I was hoping to get some more information about your trip with Dancing Bear and was wondering if you’d mind messaging me. Thanks!
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    colorado cow moose

    Yeah I understand, I personally think I'd rather save and go for a chance at a nice Alaskan bull moose then pay for multiple preference points/license and tag for a draw cow hunt. To each their own. Sure you can pay 20,000 for a hunt if you like, but there are certainly diy options well under...
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    Part 2 of Alaska Moose Hunt

    What a hunt!
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    Huge Ohio whitetail

    Glad he got some closure on that one!
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    How can I like the taste of venison

    Summer sausage is always a safe bet, and not too hard to do yourself if you are up for it!
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    AK Moose Success

    Beautiful bull, Congrats!!
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    AK moose 2023

    2 great bulls! Congratulations
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    colorado cow moose

    These prices are getting outrageous, 2700 for a cow tag. At what point do you save and go on a British Columbia or Alaska bull hunt.
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    AK Moose 2024

    Good luck on your hunt, make sure to post a follow-up after!
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    Pretty intense hunt…. Video

    What an adventure, they must've been white-knuckling it through those rapids at the end!
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    FNG from OH

    FNG from Ohio, hunt whitetail here in my home state and have been west a few times for mule deer and elk. Hoping to plan an Alaska Moose hunt in the next couple years. Glad to be here!
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    Iron Will Broadheads

    I was shooting iron will wide vented for a while, they were durable heads but I noticed a lot of noise in flight. I eventually switched to qad exodus pros because I couldn't justify the price of the iron wills. Check out Lusk Archery Adventures on youtube and you'll find reviews of some other...