Search results

  1. MoeFaux

    What are you buying? - Black Friday

    Just picked up a pair of trail cameras from Spypoint. $40 off a pair of Flex-G36 models.
  2. MoeFaux

    WTS Knife - Custom Handmade 'Moose Hunter'

    This is a hand made custom by Big Chris (who's work you can look up on featuring 52100 steel and stabilized burl wood handles. The blade has 4.5 inches of cutting length with an OAL 0f 10 inches. As the pictures show, it's a thing of beauty and feels fantastic in the hand. It...
  3. MoeFaux

    Hunting partner wanted for BC black bear

    Primitive is actually on my short list! Maybe he'll be my guy in 2026. . .
  4. MoeFaux

    Hunting partner wanted for BC black bear

    All things are flexible and up for discussion. BUT - if I were calling all the shots, I'd choose a week in the second half of May. Personally, I will be flying from Michigan to Prince George, BC. That means incurring the guide's fee for transport from Prince George to the camp, so I'm willing...
  5. MoeFaux

    Hunting partner wanted for BC black bear

    Not yet. Been bracing myself to accept the cost of a solo hunt, since I haven't had any eager volunteers just yet. Feel free to PM me if you wanna discuss!
  6. MoeFaux

    Local Monster

  7. MoeFaux

    Do you hunt from home?

    For whitetails, yes. I've got permission at a spot 15 mins away, public land 25 mins away, and a newly acquired plot 1hr 15 away. That last one will be for full weekends, while the closer spots are single sittings at dawn or dusk. To hunt anything else (aside from the occasional squirrel), I...
  8. MoeFaux

    Oregon hunting guide killed by accidental discharge

    I agree with this. My father, who has never been slack about firearm safety, had an AD with a 1911 that was a designated home defense piece. He had just loaded it to return it to it's bedside station when (as he tells it) the hammer didn't stay back when he closed the slide. Rather, it fell...
  9. MoeFaux

    Oregon hunting guide killed by accidental discharge

    This a part of the life of a professional guide that I don't envy. The last guide I met had a scar on his back from a client absent mindedly walking right into him with an arrow and broadhead on his string. Needless to say, he had plenty more stories about people's incompetence with firearms...
  10. MoeFaux

    Drawing bow back with drop away (in stand)

    IIRC, the ripcord red is supposed to drop when let down. The QAD was better in that regard by staying upright when cocked manually or upon a slow let down. Also, if you have that ripcord set up as limb-driven (as described in OP) then something else is terribly wrong. The ripcord had a good...
  11. MoeFaux

    350 legend AR

    You can do that on the cheap. I put a Rock River mil-spec in my first build, then didn't like the creep or the gravel. I bought some very fine emery boards at a hobby shop and went to work in front of the TV smoothing out the machining marks on the friction surface until the pull was butter...
  12. MoeFaux

    What's a good public land whitetail state in the midwest?

    I volunteer as tribute! PM incoming.
  13. MoeFaux

    What's a good public land whitetail state in the midwest?

    Michigan has public land galore and is practically paying people to shoot does! We're allowing 10 tags per hunter at this time, but only the first one you buy is good for harvesting antlers. I don't know how much luck you'd have with spot-and-stalk, though, since the prevailing method in...
  14. MoeFaux

    How close is too close?

    Today, I'm acquiring two TINY plots of land nestled within 15,000 acres of wild USFS land. The two plots I'm picking up are roughly 100 yards apart, and my desire is to make one of them (1/4 acre with road access) into my campground where I sleep, eat, and hang around a fire while the other one...
  15. MoeFaux

    Ammo advice for 350 legend

    What are your thoughts on this? While it's not what most people like to see, I could see this performance being similar to a good passthrough from a broadhead. The damage looks more than sufficient for whitetail fatality, and it might leave a much nicer blood trail.
  16. MoeFaux

    Ammo advice for 350 legend

    A buddy just bought an inexpensive Savage 110 package because he's suddenly interested in doing some whitetail hunting. This is the basest of base models, with the cheap plastic stock, the standard trigger, and a 3-9 Weaver scope. I'm sure there are plenty of 110's in the community chambered...
  17. MoeFaux

    Which would YOU choose and WHY?

    So. . . you're saying you bought the Remington, then?
  18. MoeFaux

    Which would YOU choose and WHY?

    Funny enough - I have the exact opposite opinion. I love the beauty of natural wood with highly contrasting grain patterns and a nice finish, so those are the guns I want to baby, preserve, and pass down. A synthetic stock - having no inherent beauty at all - feels very utilitarian to me and...
  19. MoeFaux

    Which would YOU choose and WHY?

    If this a tool and not a treasure, if this to feed your family and not to look pretty in the safe - then it's the Remington for me. The composite stalk (which I assume correlates to the lower weight?) and the timney trigger are all I need to know to decide on this gun over the other for...
  20. MoeFaux

    Hunting partner wanted for BC black bear
