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  1. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    What do you mean LTL? And what do u mean by a dock? Sorry for my ignorance lol
  2. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Absolutely that’s what I love about this forum, everyone on here is helping eachother out with tips and tricks and getting prepared well in advance! Good group of people in here!
  3. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Ah right on ya that sounds about right then!
  4. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    You were 5k as in 5,000 for butchering, packaging, and shipping?!!! Or 5k for your whole trip? lol
  5. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    I can imagine. That would be a pain. We will probably have it processed in anchorage somewhere and then have it shipped home that way when we get back the work is done and into the freezer. I wouldn’t think it would be much more than 200-300 to have it all done at a butcher.
  6. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

  7. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    That ain’t bad at all! Definitely worth 550
  8. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Thank you. I have reached out to him. Sounds like he’s the one to go through based off of all the recommendations I’ve gotten. Thanks again!
  9. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    What’s everyone doing/ done when it comes to shipping meat home? I’m from Michigan doing a diy moose hunt this year and am flying to Alaska so I will need to ship my meat home. Yes I know it will be expensive, not worried about that just want to know if anybody’s past experience with shipping it...
  10. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Thanks for the tip fella! I appreciate it!
  11. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Ah yea I see that on your reticle picture near the bottom now that it is a SFP. I’m going to use this method. Sure makes it a lot easier to judge a moose than guessing lol
  12. garrett_hartley

    Alaska Sheep Hunt Pricing

    Sounds to me like a pretty sweet option for you and us as the hunters. I’d book with you for that price. Prices are only going to go up as time goes on. In the other hand from a business mindset, I think you will get clients who would pay $30k regardless of success or not. Yes it’s a guided hunt...
  13. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    I’m running a nightforce nxs 5.5-22x50 which is a FFP so my measurements will always be the same regardless of magnification witch will help huge using the MOA system not having to worry about what magnification I’m on. But I believe if you have a second focal plane optic at max magnification...
  14. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Thanks fella, that is a good way of doing it. I’m assuming that’s on 16 power and probably a first focal plane optic? I guess it would be the same at max magnification with a first focal plane optic as it would with a second focal plane optic at max magnification.
  15. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Also wouldn’t mind checking out your gear list if that’s alright, this is my first trip to Alaska hunting moose!
  16. garrett_hartley

    2024 AK Moose Prep

    Care to elaborate on that moa measuring system? I’m very curious. I wanted to make my own cut out of a 50” moose and put it at different distances and figure it out that way but I don’t have to area big enough to do so. Any info would be appreciated!