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  1. Arcola

    Under $700 optic for a beginner to grow with

    Trijicon Credo gets my vote. I much prefer it to the SWFAs that I’ve had. Zero stop is a must for me. Should be able to find one around your price range. 3-15 is good magnification for out to 600.
  2. Arcola

    Rooster came out pretty well!

    That’s a great mount and a better idea. Wish I’d had one mounted for each of my dogs passed. Going to have to start doing that from here on out.
  3. Arcola

    Pig in the ground

    I did years ago. Lined a large hole with bricks and had a nice oak bonfire in it. Might have had a few too many beers during the fire part. We had previously wrapped the hog in wet burlap and chain link. Dropped it in when we were down to a nice bed of coals. Surrounded it with additional dried...
  4. Arcola

    Press Options

  5. Arcola

    New guy from MN

    Thank you.
  6. Arcola

    Ultrasonic cleaners

    I had a 6L $200ish model from Amazon for carburetors. Burned up two units on two carburetors. Sent them both back and I’m still on the hunt for something decent for suppressors. Looks like you really have to pony up $$ for a decent quality model.
  7. Arcola

    New guy from MN

    Long time lurker. Finally decided to sign up. My family and I are dedicated hunters and outdoors-people. We hunt locally, but really enjoy traveling out west for greater adventures. I also enjoy reloading, long range shooting, tinkering with firearms, etc.
  8. Arcola

    Keeping bear meat vs hide only... what do you do?

    We eat what we kill. Always have bear meat in the freezer. It’s a favorite for our family, and everyone we’ve shared with has agreed (specifically non-hunting acquaintances). Even if you’re squeamish about eating it, it can be made into fabulous sticks, sausages, etc. It’s my boys’ preferred...
  9. Arcola

    Diesel heater for wall tent?

    I use the China version from Amazon ($200) in my portable ice shack. It’ll keep my 10x10 shack t-shirt warm in zero degree weather. Fuel consumption is great. Battery consumption is pretty heavy in sub zero temperatures. A group 24 deep cycle will run mine for about 8 hours while using less...