My 11 year old packing out his second bull with the help from his 9 year old brother. I didn’t think they’d be much helping packing a bull out, told them this bull was probably too far for me to pack out solo, they told me they didn’t care how bad it hurt they’d help pack meat until it was off...
For sale Nightforce SHV 4-14x50 F1 Mil-r, Scope is in great shape, glass is perfect. Only reason for selling is to get all my scopes in MOA, kids are starting to hunt and shoot long range don’t want to confuse them going back and forth. Don’t have the box or anything that came with it what you...
Sold the gun and have no plans of building one anytime soon, kids are old enough to hunt now so shooting everything suppressed and getting guns that recoil a little less with the suppressors on. These are in great shape only has the rifle for a year not much reloading through these.
$250 TYD
My 11 year old and his first mule deer. When we where making plans for this season he said his main goal was to shoot a nice mule deer. Told him this one might be a hard one to top for awhile.
After using a suppressor I didn’t think I’d ever hunt without one again (now have 4 and waiting on 2 more) Main reason I got them was for my kids hunting in hopes to preserve their hearing. That being said my magnums are more pleasant on the shoulder too shoot with brakes on, curious if the...
The first antelope I killed with Hunter was just 5 days after his first birthday. Him and his brother Talen have been with me every year for the last 7 years antelope hunting and have put countless hours in a blind with me with zero complaints. The smile on his face when finally got to carrying...
Only being 8 this year If we weren’t looking for bears for his older brother we where out looking for turkeys for Talen! After quite a few trips we finally got him his first Turkey!
My oldest boy Hunter with his first bear from this spring! Spent a lot of time hunting them and about went bankrupt with the fuel bull but we finally made it happen!