I quit my job of just shy of 25 years last November, took a week off in Montana, here I am with another trip to Montana this November, its all worth it. No bs pencil pushing boss anymore.
First light, last light, and low light is when the good stuff really pays for itself in my opinion. Buy a used pair of good German glass and never look back, plus no headaches after all day glassing
1 boned out bull took up 4 coolers, 3 65 qt and 1 80 qt cabelas coolers. From Colorado to Michigan, elk stayed cold and those coolers were packed super tight
Wonder how much it weighs..... I hear you can't keep tires and suspension on some electric power units due to weight... my brother in law is a Ford engineer and was trying to sell me on it this morning while fishing, no thanks, ill.keep burning gas and driving as far as I want whenever I want
You won't have trouble finding deer, most bucks are killed before their 2nd birthday. After a few days of bow season they get even harder to kill, especially if on state ground, which there is a lot of. Halloween to Nov 15th is best time for buck hunting
Zeiss binos, spent a grand on them the week before I got married in 02, was sweatin for a few days about spending that much on hunting g gear, but all these years later they have proven a wise investment.
I've killed a truckload of deer hitting them about 7 or 8 o'clock on that pic, from 75 to 250 yards using .257, 7mm and .50 cal muzzle loader, drops em on the spot no matter how big. Shot a 220 # Whitetail in Montana at 100 yards this year, .257 mag and a 80 grain TTSX, one leap off the side of...
My budget is buy once cry once. I'd rather spend the money on something that operates smoothly and is built to last. And yes I agree, a real short center post is good for me, the higher you run that up the more unstable you get
I'm 6' prefer to glass from sitting or kneeling, but not standing up. Having one I can quick swap head to shoot off would be nice, then I wouldn't have to carry sticks too. I have and like the fluid head, but the one I have has a handle that's about 6 inches long, and I would like shorter...
Looking to possibly upgrade my Manfrotto befree tripod, use with meopta 18x binos, whats a good lighter weight, less clunky tripod? I find myself liking the bigger binos vs a spotter, just need a good foundation to mount them on
Long time reader, first time poster. Got tired of sitting in place waiting for deer in Michigan, expanded my horizons to the western states some years ago, never looked back. Some good info to be found here.