Agree with Ryan on their CS. Also, agree that the boots are pretty stiff and a little short.
I had a pair of the Mountain Hunters, within one season the seam by the heel blew out on both boots. Sent some pictures in, got a return label, sent them in, a few days later I had new boots. Ended up...
I have had good luck with them. The inserts are a little harder to install than a normal insert, unless you use hot melt glue. I had issues using the iron will tool. It was built to perfect, IMO. It ended up creating suction and pulling an insert back out partially. I was able to remove it, but...
I use a Pelican Vault V730 for my traverse. It works really well. It has wheels and is rectangular (helps with stacking or storing other things around it). May be a little overkill for what you need (from the sounds of it) but it is cheap insurance if you ever fly and you can bang it around with...
If you are willing to walk and whatnot you can find some decent muleys on some public, even during gun season. Send me a pm and we can discuss if you'd like.
Here is a screenshot from Gohunt with general rifle and general archery selected. I would double check on the specifics units for regulations and whatnot, but maybe it will help.
I have no experience in the unit on foot, but have done a fair amount of research for it (mostly related to shed hunting) because I will be moving to the Bitterroot in a few months. That being said, I was able to find an elk study that deals with units 250, 270, and 334. It may be helpful to...
I would recommend to make sure to buy the size closest to your body size. I bought one that is a little too wide. The side that I sleep on gets nice and warm, then I roll over or move and the other side is very cold. I usually stuff some clothes in it to take up the extra space. Make sure to...