Ah yes, the much anticipated predict the future feature. You can take an educated guess at future draw odds with past point creep and applications. But it is impossible to tell how many people will apply for a certain unit, jump out of the "just buy a point" crowd, or switch what unit they...
That may be one of the worst opinions I've ever heard. A bear bow is just fine. Never had one but I've had plenty of buddies who have and they killed deer and elk. And an arrow can't fix a bad bow, but a bad arrow can make a good bow bad.
The wildlife board vetoed the technology committee's recommendation to not allow peep enhancers on bows last year. A large part of the decision was that several of them use peep enhancers because their eye sight is getting worse. Peep enhancers do not provide the same advantage as scopes but I...
I actually wonder if this will be the reason the wildlife board will keep scopes on muzzleloaders. I don't think they worry too much about archery or muzzleloader odds but they care a lot about rifle odds since a majority of hunters fall in that category. If they can make muzzleloader odds worse...
I believe Utah regulations say the tag needs to be punched before the buck is "transported", so I don't think he technically did anything wrong there. Obviously, punching the tag before skinning ang gutting is still good practice.
Edit: it states "After you’ve taken a big game animal, you must...
My buddy witnessed a guy miss a 3x3 SEVEN times last weekend. 😂 at some point while you are reloading your magazine the though "Maybe I am just a bad shot and should stop" has to cross your mind, right?
TL;DR I don't buy his story at all
This reminds me of a time I witnessed an argument at work. Person 1 was clearly at fault. They were rude, insubordinate, and antagonistic and Person 2 responded unprofessionally but was certainly responding to Person 1's behavior.
Afterward, Person 1 claimed...
Personally, I would decide how much time I would typically be given off (4-5 weeks for me) and record it and use it every year. No carryover, no pto pay out, and no use it lose it incentives to make you take it, so my understanding is that typically companies come out ahead.
I love my CVA wolf. There are a few different models of the CVA but the one I have is extremely light and the barrel is a bit shorter. It makes it extremely easy to handle and great for quick off hand shooting if necessary. I don't think you mentioned how old your daughter is but if she is...
use search for 308, elk, and bullet and you will get numerous threads like the ones below with lots of info on the topic