Search results

  1. Journeyman

    Compact/light/suppressed/mule deer/ kid gun

    What's the budget and weight requirement?
  2. Journeyman

    General Season Idaho Buck

    That’s awesome man! Thanks for sharing the score. I was thinking 190-195. Couldn’t tell if his eyeguards were long enough to get the extra mass measurements or not. Just a beautiful buck though man and it’s super helpful that you posted the before and after photos. I’m getting better at...
  3. Journeyman

    General Season Idaho Buck

    That’s a rad deer! Nice work man. Those conditions are flat out tough for that many days. Do you mind sharing how he scored? It’s awesome that you have the pic of him on the hoof and on the ground. It’s really helpful to see both and know the score to help when judging deer.
  4. Journeyman

    WTS Leica 1600 B

    Sorry man, I wasn’t looking for a trade, put the wrong prefix in.
  5. Journeyman

    WTS Leica 1600 B

    How's it going fellas, I've got a Leica 1600 B with the case but no box. This is used but in excellent shape. $350 shipped via paypal F&F
  6. Journeyman

    Breaking down an elk at night... in grizzly country...

    Shot my bull 2 Fridays ago 10 minutes before last light. Pretty heavy griz country and it was definitely on our minds but honestly it was a great time. We built a big ass fire and took our time taking pics then one guy cutting and one guy feeding the fire/keeping watch. We continually talked to...
  7. Journeyman

    Swaro BTX Users Only

    Sorry I’m not a BTX user but I believe BTX’s are fixed power based off which objective you mate it up to. I run a RRS 24L all the time. I’ll be deep in Idaho with it next week. Heavy but worth it once I get my 15’s or STX on there.
  8. Journeyman

    Montana Elk Rut Report 2019???

    I've been in elk pretty consistently since the 3rd day of season (I was looking for mule deer the 7th and 8th). I had consistent bugling/call ins during the day up until the full moon. Then things seemed to slow down a bit during the day and the action was at sunrise and sunset. In my mind...
  9. Journeyman

    2019 Best Bull Elk Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Kifaru

    Funnest elk season to date!
  10. Journeyman

    WTS Swarovski STX 65 - $2750

    Hey guys, I have an STX 65 setup for sale. It is just under a year old and has been used at shooting matches and at the range during that time. It went back to Swarovski because the objective got condensation inside due to a bad seal from the factory. They went through both pieces and I just got...
  11. Journeyman

    WTB Zeiss Victory RF

    Hey guys, I’m looking to try a pair of Zeiss Victory RF’s. Ideally 10x42’s If interested I have some Swaro EL 8x32’s I could trade as well as other optics and hunting/shooting items. Let me know what you have. I’m open to the 8x42’s as well. Thanks
  12. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    Belt pouch and water bottle pocket sold. Just 22 Mag Left
  13. Journeyman

    Zero compensation at altitude

    I think the change in zero that a lot of guys experience has to do with multiple things, none of which I believe is due to elevation. First off is possibly equipment malfunction. Next, most guys zero off a bench then check zero during their hunt prone off a bipod, rested over their pack etc...
  14. Journeyman

    Score Estimates

    Cool buck, I'd guess mid 160's but hard to tell how wide he is. I'd shoot em!
  15. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    22 Mag, water bottle pocket and small belt pouch still available
  16. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    Frame - $290 22 Mag - $210 Water Bottle Pocket - $24 Small Belt Pouch - $26 Non Universal Gun bearer - $25
  17. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    Possibly, what are you wanting?
  18. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    Small belt Composite stays Normal back profile
  19. Journeyman

    WTS Kifaru Duplex Lite Frame - 22 Mag Bag - Ranger Green

    I have a Kifaru Duplex Lite frame (26”), 22 mag bag, water bottle pocket, small belt pouch and gun bearer. All in ranger green Bought in the off season and used for shooting matches the past few months. Never carried meat in it. I’ll get pictures up soon. $575 shipped via paypal f&f Frame -...
  20. Journeyman

    Rifle build

    I'll throw in my 2 cents, mind you I don't think there is any right or wrong with most of the high end custom stuff you're speaking of, just a matter of personal preference. First concerning the action, I don't know that I'd go with a TI action if I was considering a bigger magnum caliber. It's...