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  1. W

    40 Mile Caribou opener delayed Steese area.

    Thanks Vern, we're really looking forward to it! We'd be very happy with stragglers and small groups to keep us busy. Anything more would be a bonus, but the best part will just being in that country.
  2. W

    40 Mile Caribou opener delayed Steese area.

    Are those zones the normal summer grounds for the herd and they have just not started moving yet? We are flying out with 40 Mile on the 18th and curious about the "normal" movement patterns. Yeah, I know - nothing normal about caribou LOL. It will be what it will be, and hoping for a good...
  3. W

    Tok Air Service

    Last half of Sept out of Tok snow is very possible. You'll very likely have overnight temps below freezing at least some nights, and I'd certainly be prepared for the possibly of substantially colder than that. Extreme winds are also possible. A few years ago we had 3 solid days of 50-60 mph...
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    WTT Kifaru RG camp bag for MC camp bag

    If you decide to sell your RG bag I'd be interested.
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    Stripping Velvet

    Cleaning the skull will likely be the hardest part. I won't have a way to boil it, and I know getting it clean enough to fly with is going to be a lot of work, especially the brain cavity. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated! If I can't get it clean enough for a full euro I'll just have...
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    Stripping Velvet

    I'll be headed to AK the last part of August and am assuming that caribou will still be in velvet if I'm lucky enough to get one. Unless it would be something truly special I'm planning on a euro mount. Most likely would need to strip velvet and then have the antlers stained by a taxidermist...
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    Scent Control for Moose

    Haven't hunted Newfoundland, but moose are basically deer. Keep the wind in your favor. If it's not in your favor "scent control" products aren't going to do much for you.
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    WTS 1 Doz Black Eagle Carnivore 250s

    Still available
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    WTS Kenetrek Corrie II Hiker Size 13

    Anyone need some good boots?
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    Dehydrated Meal Storage

    That looks delicious! Dehydrated? Do you have a recipe to share?
  11. W

    Sold 21 Black Eagle Outlaw 300s

    Bare shafts alone go for $85/ dozen I think. These are fletched, in good shape, and ready to go.
  12. W

    WTS Kenetrek Corrie II Hiker Size 13

    Still available
  13. W

    Sold Pronghorn decoy(s)

    I have one of the old Flambeau Comandalope decoys. Had forgotten how good this thing looks. I did shoot a nice buck over the top of it years ago. Not sure how easy it would be to ship but if interested let me know.
  14. W

    Sold 21 Black Eagle Outlaw 300s

    Black Eagle Outaw 300s. $120 shipped in lower 48. 21 total. All cut to 31.25" bop. 10 - 4 fletch 4" orange feathers 4 - 4 fletch 4" chartreuse feathers 6 - 4 fletch trad vanes 1 - bare shaft I also have a new unopened box of full length Outlaw 350s. $70 shipped
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    WTS 1 Doz Black Eagle Carnivore 250s

    One dozen Black Eagle Carnivore 250s. Full length. 3 are fletched with four 4" trad vanes and the other nine are brand new never used. $90 shipped in lower 48.
  16. W

    Dehydrated Meal Storage

    Ingredients vary. Most have lean venison burger as part of them. Canned chicken in others. Then sauces, vegis, etc. I did take a couple out today and will let them sit for a couple of weeks before trying them.
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    Dehydrated Meal Storage

    How long will DIY dehydrated meals safely store in the freezer? I've read some things that say 6 months. But I have a bunch of last falls leftovers that were made last summer, stored in the freezer until early September, then back in the freezer since the end of September. I've got an...
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    Saddle Systems

    I'm in a similar situation. The majority of my whitetail hunting is done here on my own property. I have ladders or hang ons pretty much everywhere I need them plus some ground brush blinds in strategic spots. I really looked in to saddles primarily for the occasional out of state hunt where...
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    Buffalo Euro

    Regular American Bison from the Utah Henry Mountains. She was an old cow with long horns.