Yeah and 1 mile in really won't separate you anymore in the crazies. With the big back country craze and all the influencer publicity it will take considerable effort. I know a couple of different groups that went in this year on horseback and both were over 6 miles in to their main camp, and...
I've never had gamey rendered bear fat and I've used it for years as grease to cook with and for baking. I us it as patch lube for my muzzleloader, and to condition and weatherproof leather. I think it's really good stuff.
I'm in MT and I hunt elk, deer, and bear from home most of the year. There is better hunting to be had if I travel and camp out in the back country several hours from home. Family and work commitments don't allow a lot of opportunities to travel these days but it will get better in time.
What steaming pile of hot garbage. More heart string tugging anti biology BS from a bunch of people so out of touch with reality and the situation. The best thing they could do is leave the bears alone and stop developing their habitat for their self serving playground. The sheer lunacy of that...
I was a BB and power lifter for 20 years and I have hit 425 bp, 610 dl, and 585 squats. I love to be strong and I really hate to diet but I have done well. I'm in my 40s now and only her to work out about 3x a week what with family, work and hunting commitments but it keeps me in shape. I don't...
He has as much right to be there as anybody else. Yes I have heard grouse hunters shooting in the same drainage I was elk hunting. No it had no impact on my hunt. I to have been known to walk a logging road in search of mountain chicken.
I usually like to call and move ahead to the upwind side if it's possible I like to have a cross wind in my set up instead of only trying to be upwind. I've also done well when I put an obstacle between me and the bull like blow down timber (which is ever increasing in most elk country) or thick...
The answers don't really apply to all situations. I've guided close to 250 successful elk hunts and several hundred for other game as well. My clients have only lost 4 animals. In my personal hunting I have taken dozens of game animals and only lost 1. I do everything within my power to insure a...
Yes mine just barely touches at full draw and after about 500 shots there a light spot on the serving but it isn't really wearing through.It is really common with several of the elite models that have the press less tuning cam lean. You can shim it out a bit and I helps some but even then it's...