Search results

  1. DLIP

    Fanatic vest or hand muff

    I have a cheap fleece hand muff that I throw a couple hand warmers in and it is amazing.
  2. DLIP

    Overrated Gear

    I went from a havalon to a $13 Morakniv and I don’t think I’ll ever have anything else.
  3. DLIP

    What to do with rifle while scouting before season

    Take your gun and don’t worry about it. This nonsense about stashing your bolt or not taking ammo or contacting the warden to let them know what you’re doing is silly.
  4. DLIP

    WTB Down/Puffy Jacket

    Pm sent
  5. DLIP

    Tikka Speeds w/Factory Loads

    Great thread. Bumped. Any speeds out of a 7RM with Hornady Precision Hunter 162’s?
  6. DLIP

    Wyoming bear attack:

    We’d all be lucky to have that kind of a friend. Glad they lived to tell about it.
  7. DLIP

    WTS NIB Nightforce (C429)

    Missed this. If falls through let me know!
  8. DLIP

    Prescription Electronic Hearing Protection?

    I just bought some Soundgear Phantom’s. Local audiologist was able to bill them as a hearing aid so I only had to pay my 20% copay (was around $400) and then used my HSA account to cover that.
  9. DLIP

    WTS Howa Alpine Mountain 6.5 Creedmoor

    If first buyer falls through let me know
  10. DLIP

    Wyoming opener success!

    Great buck. And I think you’re missing the point.
  11. DLIP

    Cabela's Euro HD with Marsupial pack

    I use the Marsupial Medium and it is not too large. Personally I don’t think I’d want it any smaller for my Meopta 10x42’s but your mileage may vary.
  12. DLIP

    Dustproof Foot Locker / Storage Container

    I have a medium sized Plano sportsman’s trunk that works fine in the bed of my truck. The latches broke so I throw a bungee over the top and it’s sealed up great.
  13. DLIP

    Western Kansas mule deer. Got lucky on this one.

    Great buck. I drew an any species rifle tag this year. Bittersweet as I’m having to miss the prime rut days with my bow but looking forward to chasing a mule deer.
  14. DLIP

    What are you feeding your dog?

    Pro Plan is good stuff. My dogs aren’t sporting dogs anymore but it’s what they get.
  15. DLIP

    PSA…. I lost a buddy today

    Really sorry about your friend.
  16. DLIP

    $15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

    Do you have any links to stories about this? I’m not doubting you, just struggling to find anything. Frankly this is as plausible of an explanation for disappearance as anything else.
  17. DLIP

    WTS Sitka Kelvin Pants

    SPF to Pulv.
  18. DLIP

    Bad experience with Transporter

    What a turd. Thanks for posting.
  19. DLIP

    $15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

    Similar to a few others that have posted, it hasn't been even a possibility in my mind that he could be alive given the conditions and assumptions that are being made on his clothing/lack of viable shelter. It is tough to imagine what his family is going through. Hopefully there can be some...
  20. DLIP

    WTS Sitka Kelvin Pants
