Take your gun and don’t worry about it. This nonsense about stashing your bolt or not taking ammo or contacting the warden to let them know what you’re doing is silly.
I just bought some Soundgear Phantom’s. Local audiologist was able to bill them as a hearing aid so I only had to pay my 20% copay (was around $400) and then used my HSA account to cover that.
I have a medium sized Plano sportsman’s trunk that works fine in the bed of my truck. The latches broke so I throw a bungee over the top and it’s sealed up great.
Great buck. I drew an any species rifle tag this year. Bittersweet as I’m having to miss the prime rut days with my bow but looking forward to chasing a mule deer.
Do you have any links to stories about this? I’m not doubting you, just struggling to find anything. Frankly this is as plausible of an explanation for disappearance as anything else.
Similar to a few others that have posted, it hasn't been even a possibility in my mind that he could be alive given the conditions and assumptions that are being made on his clothing/lack of viable shelter.
It is tough to imagine what his family is going through. Hopefully there can be some...