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  1. H

    Show Some Good Will

    Because it's the right thing to do......
  2. H

    A Hunter's Why

    A Hunters Why.... I can offer up multiple whys for me. All deeply personal. Some have already been mentioned. I've read all replies to this post. Someone mentioned being offended by being asked why. Although I've never thought about this, it makes sense. I don't think I've asked a single...
  3. H

    Ha Ha Ha - Joke!

    Where do one legged waitresses all work? IHop
  4. H

    Rain gear for western Washington?

    Layered wool.
  5. H

    Sleep apnea and Backpacking

    I've noticed when reading the specs on some of these machines that they're rated for use for 8500' max. In fact I haven't seen one rated at over that elevation. Many of us hunt and camp far higher than that. Any feedback regarding that?
  6. H

    Genuine question chaps.

    My legging attire from May through early September is almost entirely shorts. And I've got banged up shins to prove it.
  7. H

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    That's the most frightening story of this entire thread. Made me laugh like hell though....
  8. H

    Plantars Faciaitis

    Been there and have the t-shirt. I actually went to the chiropractor 5-6 times and had her adjust just my right foot. Got schooled on wearing correct work boots with lacing them properly and added insoles to all of my shoes. Bought Keen high arch flip flops for wearing around the house. I have...
  9. H

    Who served and when?

    Thank you each and everyone of you.
  10. H

    Wood Pellet Conversion for Wall Tent Stove????

    Couldn't a guy with fabrication and welding skills make one of these? I checked their website and it's a no go. Looks to be 4'' or 5'' square tubing maybe 18'' long with welded stiffeners and draft holes. Then a slider within that. Have a sheet metal shop make the hopper and lid? Possible, right?
  11. H

    Dear You Tube stars…

    Bit of a different take.... I use YouTube for many things to educate myself on things I want to learn about. Mostly home projects or repairs of all sorts. Never to educate myself about hunting except when I was learning the gutless way of breaking down an elk. 'Bout them YouTube stars...
  12. H

    Poll: How Many Moved For Hunting?

    I'm an avid outdoorsman. Have been most of 63 years. I usually hunt two and a few times three states per year. But there's no way I'll chose living away from my family for the sole reason to hunt. For all of us the day will arrive when we're too old or crippled up to hunt anymore. None of us are...
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    First Time WA Blacktail Hunter

    I'd reconsider hunting the first week of general if you have any flexibility in your schedule. Often it's still warm, the foliage is still on the vine maples and trees, clear nights and more hunting pressure. Best week to hunt is the last week of October. Weather tends to be cooler with frosty...
  14. H

    Packing meat out in the rain

    Packed plenty in the rain. Meat should of course be in meat bags for the pack out. When back at the truck or camp remove the wet bags and hang the meat covered with tarps. I always have a extra set of game bags I'll put back over the meat. Never been an issue. Sure, you want to keep the meat dry...
  15. H

    Older Wash. State Guy

    Greetings Lurker turned member. Two years into retirement. I have lived in SW Washington my entire life. I enjoy hunting both blacktail and mule deer, roosevelt and rocky mtn. elk. Besides my home state I hunt eastern Oregon regularly for archery elk. I've hunted Idaho and Colorado and this...