Look/feel closely on the inside of the front of the ejection port. Looks like your cases are scraping something on the way out. Would be interesting to see what an unfired round looks like after chambering and ejection.
Tikka t3x lite + Limbsaver recoil pad
Leupold vx3i
7mm-08rem or .270win
200 rounds of ammo
Can do this for under $1500 without shopping very hard.
This is a very practical package that checks all the boxes. Lightweight but not ultra lite. I am very confident that you would not regret going...
Had the exact same experience with that cartridge using Hornady brass. I have 10 loadings on one batch of Hornady brass. But on the most recent batch I’m getting case head separation on the 3rd loading with the exact same load, no changes to the die setup. I concluded that the brass quality must...
Going back to square 1 with seating depth...
My recommendation would be seat as long as you can and still fit in your magazine. Use this as your baseline and work back from there adjusting seating 0.015” increments. If you aren’t limited by magazine length then use the lands as your baseline...
I currently have 180 grain NPTs seated .250 into the neck. I haven’t had any issues with the bullets not staying secure in cases in the magazine under recoil. I seated even shallower with the old Speer Grand Slams and didn’t not have any issues either. YMMV
Any concerns with calling in sows with cubs?
1. A sow comes in fast to your call and cubs may be trailing way behind, too far behind for you see them when it’s time to take the shot.
2. A sow may perceive a predator call as a cub in distress call. So she sends her cubs up a tree before rushing...
A light gun’s accuracy is significantly more affected by an imperfect trigger press than a heavier one. Reducing your trigger pull weight should help this.
I always start with a full length bare shaft with the weight that I want up front(insert + field point) LESS 25 grains. I do this for 2 reasons: 1. If I cut too much and make the shaft too stiff I’m still ok; 2. The shaft will stiffen up a little when you add your fletching.
I shoot at 5 yards...
In addition to bear spray, I carry a G19 in griz country. That’s the only pistol I have. I load it with 147 grain fmj. These feed and shoot well. Never had to use it against a bear.
For what it’s worth, it did kill a bovine cow that had to be put down. 1st one to the skull put her out of...
Ruger American Youth model. Fit was great for my 8 year old. No problems with recoil shooting from the bench using reduced loads. Extremely accurate even with factory ammo. Nikon prostaff 3-9 provides ample eye relief and clean crosshairs. That short barrel is loud though. Don’t skimp on the...
In a t3 7mm-08 that I have loaded for, the OAL is limited by the magazine length @ 2.810”. So, I have 139 GMX seated approx .112” off the lands so that they just fit into the magazine and cycle properly. I tried seating deeper...but longer was better.
Maybe you could keep those deer loads for deer season and have a reduced load with lighter bullet for practice until the fall?
The reduced load I use for kids ages 8-11 is a 58 grain v-max with a light load of H4895. I keep range sessions to 10 rounds, even though they want to shoot more...
I think I have the same Hornady scale. I use it to get within a couple tenths then double check and trickle the final kernels onto a beam scale. Sometimes the Hornady will get off by a couple of tenths, but it only takes a second to rezero. Again, I double check every charge on the beam scale...