Search results

  1. B

    WTS Sako S20 Precision rifle

    Nice rifle, what caliber is it?
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    WTT Hornady 6.5 prc 143 eldx

    I'll buy that ammo off of you if you want to sell it!
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    WTB 7mm Rem Mag

    May be getting rid of a Browning X-Bolt Stainless Stalker, 26" Barrel in 7mm Magnum, would the 1:9.5" twist work for you?
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    WTB Sako A7 Synthetic Stock

    Thanks so much! I think I'll pass, was looking to lighten the rifle a little
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    WTB Sako A7 Synthetic Stock

    Thanks man!! How much does the B&C weigh?
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    WTB Sako A7 Synthetic Stock

    Looking for the Medium Length Synthetic Stock for Sako A7 to lighten up my Roughtech in 7mm Mag Thanks so much!
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    Sold Sako A7 factory stock

    Sent you a PM Mike, I'm take it!
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    WTB WTB 6.5 Grendel Brass

    Let me check...
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    Sold NIB Tikka T3X Superlite 7mmRM

    Gorgeous rifle!
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    WTB Sako A7 7mm Rem Magnum

    Thanks man!! We are going to talk today really appreciate it!!
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    WTB Sako A7 7mm Rem Magnum

    Really have a hankering to try out a Sako A7 Stainless in 7mm Remington Magnum (or Maybe 270 WSM). Does anyone have one laying around or know somewhere this might be available? Thanks! Jeff in Texas
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    Sold .243 Ammo for sale

    I'll take all of it, sending you a PM, thanks so much! Jeff
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    WTS Weatherby 7mm Mark V stainless

    What scope was on it?
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    WTS/WTT T3x 7RM

    Beautiful rifle!
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    Sold Ammo: 300 WM, 7mm-08Rem, & 30-06

    I'll take the rest of your 7mm-08, sending you a PM, thanks!
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    WTS Browning X-Bolt 7mm Rem. mag

    Is your rifle black on black or black and stainless? Nice rifle!
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    Sold AICS 3rd mag and KRG bravo Tikka stock

    The Tikka is not inletted for CTR mags, correct?
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    WTS Tikka T3x Cr 24 " Stainless.

    Nice rifle
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    Sold Sako 85 Finnlight 270 WSM

    Gorgeous rifle right there!