Search results

  1. yak

    Backcountry Gear cache

    I've found several cache's over the year. I'm not opposed to it assuming they get it out of there in a timely fashion and keep it neat and tidy. On one occasion, we got 2ft of snow and I was forced to borrow from somebody else's cache of tarps that I had discovered to make it...
  2. yak

    What's in your kill kit?

    Game bags, one contractor bag, havalon blades and 550 paracord. Nothing changes between species for me. All in a kifaru pullout. Tag in my wallet, knife in my bino harness.
  3. yak

    Any Colorado unit 20 private land owners out there?

    There are a couple Facebook groups that track the "Elk of Loveland". Might be discouraging to see big ol' bulls in backyards you can't hunt.
  4. yak

    DIY Magnetic Digiscope

    Last summer I decided to make a digiscope setup for my Athlon Ares spotting scope rather than buy an Ollin or Magview setup. I just had a hard time putting that kind of $ towards those products and liked my current phone+case as-is. Not to mention, my spotter doesn’t really have a purpose-built...
  5. yak

    CO 3rd Rifle Thread

    We saw very few does without bucks this past Saturday. Ended up finding a doe group (4) with a thick necked 4x4 that we took. Definitely the biggest buck we found on the mountain and very mature. I'd consider the rutting activity in full swing where we were hunting (NW CO).
  6. yak

    Instant creamer that doesnt taste like a$$?

    Agreed, I was going to mention that as well. Trader Joes stuff has creamer and sugar inside their instant coffee packet. Adding a vias or going half TJ/half vias or black rifle is my go-to.
  7. yak

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    I'm using LR Magnum primers and crimping as well.
  8. yak

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    Bullets: Berger 170's, Nosler 165's (expensive), Sierra 175's Powder: Retumbo, H4350, H4831sc
  9. yak

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    My velocity is 2835fps with 24" barrel.
  10. yak

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    No sir. I only tried one depth for seating. Mine are 0.020" off the land with 58gr H4831Sc. Work your way up in charge.
  11. yak

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    I reload my western with H4831sc behind the 175gr Sierra TGK. Tried several other powders and bullets and found this combo to be the best for me. Available components and accurate.
  12. yak

    Bring sharpener for fixed blade or ditch it for a Havalon?

    Havalon only has worked great for me. I don't have any issues with the blades breaking. My guess is my style of breaking down critters is a little more finesse than others. I can honestly say over the years I've broken down 30+ big game animals with the gutless method and have only broken a...
  13. yak

    Colorado Left Over Tags

    10+ tags gone in about 10s. Its a crap shoot. Luckily I was pessimistic going into it.
  14. yak

    Best spotting scope under 1000

    In my experience, you don't NEED a spotter for that kind of hunt. I've packed a spotter on many archery elk hunts only for it to remain in my pack. I'm considering a Athlon Gen 2 Ares 65mm. Watch the S&S archery YouTube video on spotter comparisons. Their video first turned me onto Athlon...
  15. yak

    WTS Tight spot 5 arrow black

    PM Sent.
  16. yak

    A little lost… career change?

    My experience: I took an engineering role right after college. Climbed the ladder and was well compensated in this large cooperate company. I had flexible time off, but I dreaded going into work come Sunday night. After about 12 years with that company, At the age of 36 I changed companies to a...
  17. yak

    270 wsm / 6.8 western

    I've had a 6.8 Western for 3 seasons now. I use it for everything from Pronghorn up to Elk with 175gr Sierra TGK handloads. 3 Elk, 4 Pronghorn and 5 Mulies between myself and my kids. Shot distances from 40yds to 500yds on elk. Very mild recoil with a brake, just gotta make sure ears are protected.
  18. yak

    CO GMU 62 Fall Bear

    If you have a bear tag in your pocket, your probably not going to see anything. If you don't, you'll see a bear. Kidding aside, I haven't seen a bear while elk hunting 4th rifle. I go out most years and seen lots of kill sites without any sign of bear.
  19. yak

    What to do with the meat foreign hunter in Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado. Need meat cutters and places to donate

    There are probably more noble donations, but I'd be more than happy to take the meat and butcher it for my family. I've got 4 kiddos and we've nearly eaten an elk, mule deer and 2 pronghorn from last season. Shoot me a PM and we can work out details if he's interested. I'm in Northern Colorado...
  20. yak

    CPW June Meeting - BGSS Proposed Changes

    Praying that CPW commission takes the recommendations on status quo for resident archery OTC. This recommendation sure does beat the previous recommendation (eliminate ALL OTC archery). We'll see if the commission is willing to do so.