I’m here to help. The 30-30 is good in some situations, the 7mm is best in others. For your particular application, you need a .308. It’s pretty simple and clear cut. Do the right thing and get the gun you need and family deserves.
Full body. I have a black bear rug on high wall in my living room, looks great, but when I get a brown one day, it will be full body. Congrats on an awesome bear. now you can go get a black bear. You can eat it, render the fat, and hang the rug on the high wall. Win, win, win.
Where was the...
I had necklaces and earrings made out of the claws of my last black bear. I don’t know what you’ll do with the claws of the bear you shoulder mount, but that’s the only idea I’ve got.
What are y’all doing with the hides and skulls? I hear the brown bear meat is not tasty like a black bear, but is the fat still good for making bear grease?
Awesome. What did these bears square? You said yours isn’t big for a brown, but its head is so much bigger than the black bears I’ve killed. Thanks for this right up. I would say a Kodiak brown bear hunt is my dream hunt. Trying to do that in the next 5-10 years.
That’s really cool. I debated doing a mount like that, but ended up just doing a rug and hung it on the wall. Got a spot perfect for a brown bear standing on its hind legs right by my front door. I’ll have to convince the wife to move/get rid of a piece of furniture, but if I’m able to kill a...
My only advice is to hire a guide for your first hunt. It will make the hunt more enjoyable and you’ll learn a lot and learn it faster than hunting on your own.
So I am assuming you are taking a bear fence. What kind are you using, and why that one as opposed to others? Asking because I will be hunting in grizzly territory next year and I don’t currently have a bear fence.
Pacific Bear Outfitters in BC. Been with him twice. It’s a blast. Youth hunters are welcome and he’s used to guiding father and kid teams. PM if you want more specific info. Here is Clay Newcomb on a hunt with them.
Pacific Bear Outfitters in BC, Canada. Easy travel. Only a couple hours from Vancouver airport. Very high success rates. Special rates for youth hunters. PM me if you want more details. I’ve been with them twice.
Cube the meat, season with whatever seasoning you like. Add equal parts soy sauce, vinegar, and water. Let it simmer all day, adding water as needed, until meat is falling apart. Serve with coleslaw and some spicy mayo on a tortilla. Best tacos ever.