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  1. N

    WTB WTB Suppressor Ready Deer Rifle

    Bump. Anyone have an sig cross??
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    WTB WTB Suppressor Ready Deer Rifle

    I will keep the savage in mind. Thanks
  3. N

    WTB AR-10 in Missouri

  4. N

    WTB WTB Suppressor Ready Deer Rifle

    I also have one but I shoot wrong handed and cant stand the gas in the face. Thank you though
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    WTB WTB Suppressor Ready Deer Rifle

    Looking to buy a suppressor ready deer rifle. Mostly hunting out of stands, but occasional back packing in. Looking for lighter recoiling rifle. 243,6mm,6.5,.308 something along those lines. Bolt action preferably. $1500ish budget for the rifle, would go higher for a scoped gun if needed...
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    WTS Savage Axis II stock

    Is this a factory stock?
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    WTS/WTT Rock Island 1911 .45

    Bump $425 shipped
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    Sold Howa Superlite

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    WTS/WTT Rock Island 1911 .45

    Looking to sell this Rock Island 1911 in .45ACP. I am consolidating calibers and this is the only .45 I own. It is a full size 5" gun in FDE with G10 grips. 1 box of rounds fired out of it and it functioned flawless. I will come with 1 mag and everything from the factory. No trades.. maybe...
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    WTS/WTT Mystery Ranch Sawtooth 45

    $300 tyd is the lowest I will go on it. This is the last time I will bump this post or I’m going to keep it
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    WTS/WTT Mystery Ranch Sawtooth 45

    ttt 9mm ammo also for trade if that interests anyone
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    WTS/WTT Mystery Ranch Sawtooth 45

    Bump. Would also trade for Foxpro, 5.56/.223 ammo possibly AR accessories
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    WTS/WTT Mystery Ranch Sawtooth 45

    Mystery Ranch sawtooth 45 in tan and size large. Carried to my deer blind and sat in the corner of the stand 2 times. Also has a forager pocket added to the belt. $325 or trade for a rifle scope. Pm for pics
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    WTS/WTT Winchester SX4 20g Optifade

    Traded. Thanks all